Chapter 31

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Dedicated to kittykatbear89

3rd P.O.V

The group walked to the train station in clusters. The exceeds talked amongst themselves. S.J and Ravena talked about different fighting techniques. Lucy, Ever, and Cosmos talked and giggled and Bixlow and Laxus talked while Em and Freed discussed different books and authors. Ripley started at Cosmos ignoring Thunder's teasing.

Finally, they made it to the train station. It was early in the morning so thankfully there weren't many people. Bixlow sat next to the window and Lucy on his left. On Lucy's left was Laxus and next to Laxus was Freed. Across from Bixlow was Em. On her right was S.J and Ever. Ever being in the middle. And on S.J's right was Happy in his human form holding Percy and Jason. Lupin curled up and layed on S.J's head while Crystal sat in her lap.

"Hey Lu, can you tell the story", S.J asked. Lucy looked at her cousin.

"Which story", she asked.

"The three brothers", S.J answered.

"The three brothers? What kinda story is that", Happy asked.

"Sh and you'll find out", Em hushed. Lucy smiled and settled herself before starting.

"There were once three brothers, traveling along a lonely winding road. They were forced to a stop by a river, the currents too strong and the water too deep to cross. These brothers however where trained in the magical arts. They simply waved their wands and made a bridge appear. Before they could cross, however, they were stopped by a hooded figure. It was Death. And he was furious. Angry that he was cheated of three new victims. But Death was cunning. He smiled at three brothers congratulating them for being clever enough to evade him.

He offered each of the brothers a gift. The first brother - an arrogant man - asked for the most powerful wand in existence. So Death fashion a wand from a branch from an elder tree that hung on the side of the riverbank.

The second brother wanted to humiliate Death even further. He asked for the power to bring back the dead. So Death plucked a stone from the river and offered it to him, telling the second brother 'Turn it thrice in hand, and who you wish to see will appear before you'.

The third brother more cautious and wary asked for something that would allow him to go forth from this place without being followed by Death. Reluctantly Death cut a piece of his own invisibility cloak and offered it to the third brother.

the Three Brothers thanked death and continued on their way. The first brother traveled to a village where he had once lost a quarrel with a fellow wizard. After defeating the other wizard, the first brother was drunk. Drunk with the power the wand gave him. He boasted about how he was clever enough to evade death. However, that very same night another wizard stole the wand and slit the brother's throat for good measure. So Death took the first brother.

The second brother traveled to his home where he lived alone. Turing the stone thrice in hand -as Death told him to- a woman appeared before him. The second brother was overjoyed. The woman and the second brother were to be married, but she died tragically on the way to the church. But the woman was sad for she was no longer part of this world. Driven mad with grief, the second brother hung himself so he could truly join her. So Death took the second brother

As for the third brother, Death could not find him for many years. Only when the third brother was old a frail did he shed the invisibility cloak and hand it to his son. He smiled and greeted death as an old. Only then did Death take the third brother"

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