💖 Newborns Part 2 (Star) 💖

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"Star, I've decided I want a baby," you told your best friend the following morning. It was going to be hectic, you could feel it. The two of you were up first, as usual, and you were mixing batter for blueberry waffles while she started a pot of coffee.

"Wait, really?" Star asked.

You nodded, about to elaborate further until a faint crying woke you up. This, of course, got another baby crying.

"Must be the twins," you and Star said at the same moment. You giggled at that.

As you were pouring the first of the batter into the large waffle iron, Marco walked in. A yawn stretched his mouth into an uneven oval as Delilah and Daisy glanced around with wide and shining eyes.

"Good morning," you greeted him, in a cheery mood due to your conversation with your boyfriend the night before. He, too, was a vampire, so you all crammed yourselves into the cave and created bedrooms of sorts when people started getting engaged.

"Morning," Marco muttered.

Star took Daisy, cradling her close as Marco walked over to the cabinet that held the formula.

"Time to make breakfast for my favorite girls," he said, sighing softly as he pulled down the massive container of powder and two bottles.

Dwayne and Tommy were the next to join. Tommy was snuggled against Dwayne's chest, his head resting on his father's shoulder. The baby's eyes were open, but not as curious as the twins' had been a moment ago. They stared behind the two of them.

"I didn't even hear him wake up," you noted as you pulled a pack of sausage links from the fridge.

"Because I've been awake with him all night," Dwayne replied, joining Marco at the counter. He pulled a bottle down and looked at you. "He's still sick, and he refused to go to sleep alone."

Marco snorted. "Why didn't you just have him sleep in the bed with you?"

Dwayne rolled his dark eyes. "Victoria would have a fit. She says her time to sleep is her time to sleep."

You couldn't help the scoff that rose in your throat. You had a strong distaste for Dwayne's wife, but she was the mother of his child.

"Anyways, he should be going to sleep soon. Little guy can only stay up for so long," he said, his sentence ending in a sort of coo.

"He's just now going to bed?" Paul asked, chuckling as he walked in. Isaiah was wide awake and grinning in his arms, and he glanced around the kitchen. His newborn eyes seemed so advanced as they took everything in.

"He's sick," Dwayne replied.

"Fair enough. Little dude here just woke up. Breakfast time," Paul replied.

You sighed internally as you wished so bad to join them. To be making baby bottles in the morning and comforting your sick baby and such...

"Breakfast?" David asked as he stepped into the room. Melody was still fussing in his arms, and he rocked her with no success. She wouldn't relax until she had food. He knew that just as well as the rest of you, but he still tried.

You poured more batter into the waffle maker before turning to him.

"I'm making waffles," you told him.

He grinned. "Perfect."

Melody whined again, kicking her tiny feet. David giggled and looked down at his daughter, his eyes shining.

"I guess I should feed this little one, huh?"

You snickered. "Might be a good idea."

As you and Star watched your best friends prepare breakfast for their babies, she stepped in close to you. Her dark eyes were sparkly and she was grinning.

"I'm going to talk to Michael today," she said.

You raised an eyebrow. "Oh?"

She nodded, her smile getting even wider as she elaborated.

"I've decided I want a baby."

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