💖 Newborns (Star) 💖

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You and your best friend, Star, had just returned to the cave from a night at the boardwalk. As soon as you walked in giggling, David shot you a glare.

"What?" You asked.

He glanced down to the infant that was cradled, eyes shut, in his arms. It was his daughter, Melody, who was less than five full weeks old. She had developed a cold recently, and David was having trouble getting her to sleep. So when he finally did...

"Oh, I'm sorry," you whispered.

He shook his head and continued the slow sway he had picked up to get the baby to sleep in the first place.

Just as you had decided it was time to get ready for bed, a light crying sounded through the close-to-silent cave.

"Damn it," Dwayne muttered as he walked past you. You giggled and watched as he made his way to his son's room. Dwayne's baby, Tommy, was born just a week after Melody.

Dwayne looked at you and frowned as he took the crying newborn into his arms. "I don't know why the girls thought it would be a good idea to get pregnant all at the same time. This is the worst decision we've ever made."

As Tommy continued to cry, Melody stirred. Soft whimpers came from her tiny chest, which made David roll his sparkling eyes.

The wives were out for the night, saying they needed a break from motherhood. You silently agreed with Dwayne, and had protested when the girls all said they wanted to be pregnant together. They tried to talk you and Star into doing the same, but Star used Laddie as an excuse and you used the lie that your boyfriend wasn't ready. It wasn't true; your boyfriend had been asking about babies for two years now. Ever since your third anniversary.

"I couldn't agree more," David muttered as his daughter opened her own big blue eyes and they filled with tears.

"Don't cry," Marco muttered as he walked into the room. He had a twin in each arm. The twins were wide awake and seemed fine, but Delilah always cried when other babies did and that always got Daisy started.

Marco glanced at his daughters. They looked exactly like him. They even had the same light blonde curls.

"It's okay, guys. It's alright." He kissed each of their heads and they both grinned up at him.

Dwayne soothed Tommy, who was curled against his chest with a head on Dwayne's shoulder. He wasn't quite asleep again, but his large green eyes were beginning to droop. You smiled at the infant, who half-returned the gesture.

You glanced at Marco as one of the girls giggled. The twins were the oldest of the five newborns, though they themselves were a day shy of six weeks old. So many new babies, so many cries at night, so many diapers. But it was worth it every time they giggled or you got to hold them in your arms.

Paul came in then, cooing at his little boy. His son, who he insisted to name Isaiah, was only eight days old. He was absolutely tiny, having been born almost two months early. Paul adored him with his entire being, and it showed constantly. He spent every possible waking moment with the baby. His eyes always lit up when he looked at his son and he always talked about how excited he was for the kid's future. The others did the same, but not even close to the same amount.

"Hey, guys," Paul greeted you all.

Muttered greetings, kept hushed in fear of waking Tommy, went around the room.

Paul walked over to you then, giving you a tiny smile.

"You want to hold him for a little bit? I need to make his bottle," he said.

You held your arms out gratefully. He handed you the baby and you grinned. Isaiah looked a lot like his mother. He had the same dark hair and brown eyes, but his complexion and nose matched Paul's.

As you looked down at your best friend's newborn son, you couldn't help it. You kept thinking of all the things you could do if you were a mother. What you would name the baby, what you would dress them in, giggling as you played peek-a-boo... And it was in that moment you made a decision.

You were ready. You needed a baby.

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