💖 Asleep? (Marco) 💖

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You and your boyfriend, Marco, were lying in bed together. You were on your side, and he spooned you from behind. The alarm clock's bright green letters announced it was just past 2:15 in the morning. You assumed Marco was sleeping, and he thought the same could be said for you.

As you sighed and fluttered your eyes shut-you had opened them to check the time-Marco adjusted his position. He moved closer, tightening his grip around your waist and kissing the top of your head.

This satisfied you and you began shifting from awareness to slumber. You were just about to fall into unconsciousness when Marco began whispering.

"I love you, sweetheart. You have no idea how much you mean to me."

Of course, this made you extremely happy. You smiled a bit to yourself, invisible to him in the dark room. You hoped he would continue and, to your satisfaction, he did after pressing another kiss to your head.

"You're so beautiful. I mean, seriously. The first time I ever saw you I was stunned. You're mesmerizing."

Another kiss with a very gentle touch to your cheek.

"You can't hear me, I know, but that's okay. It needs to be said." He sighed and paused for a moment. "Your eyes, your lips, your body... you're so gorgeous."

He paused again. So long you thought he had stopped.

"You have no idea, love, how much you really mean to me. I'd give anything for you."

A few minutes passed before he sighed again, kissing you one last time. As you drifted off to sleep, you caught one last sentence.

"How did I get so lucky?"

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