💖 Christmas Tree (Paul) 💖

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"Stop being so grumpy," you pouted.

All day, Paul had been complaining. First he wouldn't stop while you guys were Christmas shopping. Then, while choosing wrapping paper. Now, you were baking Christmas cookies and he was still being bitter.

"I'm just not in a good mood. I want a nap," he said.

You sighed.

"Look, why don't you help me cut the cookies? Or you can start wrapping presents," you suggested.

"We don't have the tree up yet, y/n."

You frowned at him.

"Alright. Why don't we put it up then? We can decorate it together, and maybe that will put you in a better mood," you said.

He shrugged. You grabbed his hand and led him to the living room.

Two days ago, you had cleared the perfect spot for the tree. Yesterday, you made Paul go with you to pick one. It was in its spot, but it had yet to be decorated.

"Can you do the lights while I go get the first batch of cookies in?" You asked him.

He gave you a look, and you faked a pout. He chuckled, though it sounded forced, and grabbed the lights.

"If I finish first, I'm not waiting," he teased.

"Thanks," you said. You went back to the kitchen and finished shaping the first set of sugar cookies. Before long, it was in the oven and you returned to the living room.

Paul was finishing up the lights. You grabbed the box of sparkly red and white ornaments, pulling it open.

For fifteen minutes or so, you guys perfectly decorated the tree.

"Do you want to put the star on, doll?" He asked you.

You looked at the top of the tree. It was six and a half feet. You'd never reach that on your own.

"I'll be back. I have to go get a chair or something to stand on."

He laughed and scooped you into his arms without warning. You gasped, then giggled.

You grabbed the star and he walked over to the tree. He lifted you until you could reach. Making sure it was balanced, you placed the star on top of the tree. He set you down and shut off the lights.

You two stared at the tree. You were in awe, loving that it was the only light in the room.

"So, what do you think?" You asked Paul.

He was grinning. He looked at you, then kissed you gently.

"I think it's perfect."

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