💖 Protective Brother (David) 💖

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You straightened out the wrinkles in your short red dress and twisted your body a little, checking your appearance in the tall mirror that hung on your bedroom door.

Everything was ready. Your hair and makeup were finished and you were dressed up, your dress complete with a black jacket and black flats.

Your new boyfriend, Sam, was coming to pick you up soon. This wasn't your first date with him- your third, in fact- but this was the first time your brother, David, would meet Sam. That fact made you nervous. In total, you had had all of one boyfriend in your life. David, being three and a half years older than you, was a bit... protective. Let's go with protective.

If you can call mild threats and nearly killing the boy when he broke up with you protective.

When Sam arrived, you met him at the door. You pulled him inside, smiling.

"Don't let whatever he says get to you," you warned.

Sam nodded. "I'll try."

David came downstairs then, his bright eyes already appraising your boyfriend. They narrowed until he stopped a few feet in front of you. You gave him a smile, stepping forward and gesturing to your brother.

"Sam, this is David. David, this is-"

Sam stepped forward, his hand outstretched for David's. "Sam," he introduced.

David and Sam shook hands. David cleared his throat, examining your new boyfriend for a moment.

"Nice to meet you, Sam. How much older than y/n are you?" He asked.

You sighed, shooting him a look that he ignored.

"Seven months and fourteen days," Sam stated. He gave you a tiny smile that you tried to return.

"Cool. What are your intentions with her, exactly?"

You groaned. David glanced at you, but otherwise ignored it.

He always got this way. Even a boy checking you out in public switched him into the sheltering older brother that shot dirty looks and spoke terrifying words. He was a good part of the reason your list of relationships had been so short. Usually, though, David was right when he said he didn't like a boy you were getting involved with. Perks of having an older brother- they understand the male mind better than you ever could.

"Well, I'm hoping to build a future with her. I'll stay with her as long as she wants me to," Sam said.

David narrowed his eyes again, watching Sam react under his glare. To David's satisfaction, Sam stayed calm.

David- finally- nodded. "Okay. Fine. Have her back by eleven."

Sam smiled and nodded. "No problem."

Your brother raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, and Sam?"

Sam looked back at him. "Yeah?"

A grin stretched across David's lips. You sighed. Here it comes.

"If you ever hurt her, I'll kill you myself," David said. He shot a wink, making a cheesy clicking noise with his mouth, to your boyfriend.

With that, he ran up the stairs as you exclaimed his name in a scolding, humiliated way that only amused both boys further.

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