(8)| IDIOT!

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||Idiot!||~ Chapter 8.

It's been almost 2 weeks and ever since then, I've been looking over my shoulders.

I applied security to the Apartment, signed up the kids for karate and me boxing every Saturday.

I even made sure the teacher doesn't let ANYONE pick up the kids without calling me first, no matter if they say they know me or etc.

I never imagined my life like this...scared and worried about who can attack my kids. What broke my heart even more was when Emiyah was crying in her sleep...

I decided to let the kids stay by Marie tonight hoping maybe some fun time will cheer them up. I cant be stable when I'm jumping every time the door bell rings...

"Yes Eli I am fine, the kids are by Marie tonight. Nope, imma just stay home tonight. Yes brother...I'm unlocking my door ri-" I opened the door. "What? Oh you joking. I'm not going to give you a every single detail of-" I rolled my eyes when he cut me off again. "Fine. I'm taking off my shoes and I just curled my toes against the cold floor boards. My stomach just grumbled and pop, I just let out a huge fart. I'm about to pick my nose and." I laughed. "Love you too asshole." I hung up the phone and shook my head. 

I headed inside my dark apartment, setting down the keys.

I closed the door and sighed letting out my hair as I ran my fingers through it.

I so wanted to take a hot bubble bath, put on some music and drink this night away.

With that thought in mind, I headed to my bedroom passing the kids room and sat on the edge of my bed letting out a groan.

God my back was killing me.

I started to get undress, my pants thrown across the room and my shirt now half way off my body when I heard a creak.

I froze, my breath caught in my throat.

It was almost 10 pm, I didn't live in the safest neighbor hood and I just been thru a horrible event dealing with my kids baby daddy...

What the hell did you think I did?


I fell down crawling half way under my bed searching for the black box, once I found it I pulled it towards me I uncovered it and pulled out the M4 gun. I checked to see if it had enough bullets just in case and I stood up walking out of my room slower than a snail.

the hall way light was on, pictures of the kids and I and Marie and Eli.

The doors to the kids room was cracked, but it always was like that since they left to Marie's.

The living room was still dark, the light from the kitchen enough to see just a bit.

I stayed quiet, not daring to even blink nor breathe. My heart was pounding and I felt my hands shake, my grip on the body of the gun tightening.

My feet stepped slowly in front of one another, my toes curling and uncurling.

I pressed my back against the wall and I closed my eyes sending a quick prayer to the man above and turned the corner cocking the gun high in the air.

"I have a gun!" My voice squeaked out. My eyes wandered around the dark room searching for anything. Any figure, any misplaced object...any shadow.

"T-the police is on there way! Get out now!" I stammered the only sound I could hear was my rapid heart beat.

I was almost ready to call quits and admit im being paranoid when I heard another floor board and I whipped my body around but it was a few seconds to late.

I felt a hard punch hit the side of my face, making me fall to the side, the gun skidding across the floor and beneath the TV stand. I groaned cupping the side of my face as I turned my head to look up at the stranger. By the force of the punch and the body shape of the figure before me, I knew it was a man.

He hovered over me, the hood on his head covering half his face. Only revealing features was his pink lips that was in a thin line and the sharpness of his jaw. I tried sitting up but I was kicked to the side. I cried out, flipping on my stomach and I tried to claw my way away. His fingers curled around my ankles and I tried taking that opportunity to kick him. Once I heard a groan coming from behind me I quickly got up and ran to the kitchen grabbing the knife. I held it with trembling hands my hair stuck to the side of my face the aching pain pounding at the side of my face.

He stood by the opening of the kitchen, hidden from the darkness of the living room. My breathing was hard and my heart was pounding.

His fingers curled around his jaw and he tilt his head side to side cracking it. I rolled my eyes at the movement.

I was waiting. Waiting for any movement of attack. I was eyeing my opponent body searching for weakness. Obviously I kicked his jaw but I wouldnt be able to use that as my advantage since he was really taller.

"Get. The fuck. Away from me." I hissed with full on venom in my voice. He chuckled before pulling off his hood revealing who he was.

"I see you played attention to those useless fighting lessons." He spat on my floor still holding his jaw.

My eyes narrowed as I dropped the knife, anger bubbling inside of me.

"Y-you...YOU IDIOT!"

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