(4)| Double Surprise.

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||Double Surprise||~ Chapter 4.

I felt like a broken record. Playing on repeat as I always go to my brothers club, just searching.

Few fellas and gals headed my way but I always declined...with a simple, "Im 17."

One guy said, "I don't mind baby cheeks. The younger the juicer."

I scrunched up my nose and that was the last straw...I knew he will never come back.

I was able to hide my pregnancy from Eli for a few months until my stomach started showing.

Marie has been by my side since day one and I was so grateful for her.

But now it was time to confront Eli. 

When he came home from work it was about 5 am. He entered the kitchen and I was there eating a 12 inch subway sandwich. 

"Holy shit! Red what the fuck you doing up?"

I covered my mouth chewing as I looked up at him. "I need to...mmm. talk to you, damn this sandwhich is heaven...you yeah I need to talk to you."

He looked at me with a raised brow. "This couldn't wait till in the morning?"

I blinked. "It is morning."
He sighed and rolled his eyes setting down his keys and sitting by me. "Well? What is it? I wanna go to my bed."

I decided to just rip the bandaid off and hope he doesn't scream like a baby or in my case...kick me out the damn house.

"Im 5 months pregnant."

I continued eating my food and waited for his response.

"Eudora, I don't have time for your games. Im really tired and I-"

I grabbed his hands, lifted up my shirt and placed it on the spot when the baby usually kicks.

As if sensing a hand, I felt a little thud and Eli eyes widen.


I sighed and stood up. "Ive hid it from you because im scared. I don't want to give up the baby because well...I don't want to be that type of person. That type of mother either. Our mom abandon us because she couldn't stand sharing her money....i don't want to abandon my child before I even meet him or her..." I sniff feeling the tears form. I try to keep it in but it just explodes. "I-I know who the father is but...but he isn't in contact...I-I I didn't know I im so sorry,"

Eli hugged me and rubbed my back whispering in my ears. "H-hey, its ok..i-im disappointed in you yes, but..im not mad. Im mad that I didn't notice the signs...now I know why your getting so fat."

I looked up at him and frowned. "Im fat?"

He laughed and nodded "I mean, you just ate a 12 foot sandwich Red. 12 FEET!"


"Yesterday you ate a whole carton of ice cream, you ate olives which you hate. and then you ate pickles with hummus. You hate hummus, and who in there right mind eats pickles and hummus?!"

I gawked at him before grabbing my slippers from my feet and hitting his arms with it. "Im not fat!" He started running and I chased him in anger as he laughed his ass off.


I flinched and squeezed Marie's hands. "Damn bitch." She hissed. I looked up at her apologetic and she sighed.

"S-sorry." I whispered tot he doctor. The gel was really cold and it took me by surprise.

I looked at the little screen and I could see my stomach. "Its fine hun, well theres your baby...my god!"

I looked at the doctor and panicked. "What? Is it dead, oh god I killed my baby!"

she laughed, "No darling, from the looks of it, your having twins!"

My heart stopped. "T-twins?"


"Well damn, that's a double surprise."

Im having twins. Im having two babies!

I couldn't believe what I was seeing, two big heads bumping with eachother, curved as they looked connected.

I-ive been eating for three, sleeping for three, doing everything for three!

"Congratulations Honey."

I started sniffing before I burst into tears. Marie hugged me and I laughed while crying.

"Your such a cry baby."  She whispered as she rested her head on mines. "Twins..Im going to be a double auntie!"

The doctor laugh, her golden curls shaking with her. "Well, I can be sure that these babies are perfectly healthy and you should know there genders by next appointment in about 4 weeks?"

I nodded excitedly and sat up, pulling my dress over my stomach rubbing it. "Yes please, may I hear the heartbeat?"

"Of course! here."

She soon flicked something and the sound filled the room. I gasped, my body frozen.

Thump thump 

thump thump

thump thump

Tears rolled down my cheeks and I shook with happiness. "There beautiful. I can't believe I'm a mother..."

"A hot mother too." I laughed at Marie and she smiled. "Thank you Marie..thank you so much!"


I laid in my bed that night smiling as  I hummed twinkle twinkle little stars. I rubbed my stomach and laughed softly.

"Hi guys...I'm your mother, my name is Eudora...Funny huh? I never knew I would be a mother...so young at least."

Silence answered me back and I laughed again. "Well, I just want you guys to know that I already love you with all my heart and im so happy that you guys will be in my life. Your aunty Marie is already so excited she got you guys matching biker outfits...Your uncle is already planning to teach you to run the Club, but that's not going to happen."

I chuckle. "I promise to be the best mom I could be...I promise to give you the world, without your father in it...He's a good man, im sure of it. He gave me the best night of my life and when he gave me you two I was upset at first but....Im glad he did....because I don't know what would my life would be like without you guys. Probably boring as hell."

I closed my eyes and continued humming. "I love you my little Angels."

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