10| D-DADDY?

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The sun shined in my face and I groaned. I tried to move to my side to cover my face but I felt stuck.

"Emiyah and Edgar...get off"

I heard a very deep and non child like groan and my eyes flew open wide. I slowly turned my head to see muscular arms wrapped around my waist tightly, revealing mouth watering veins and thorns and roses tattoos. A head full of dark messy hair and a yummy broad shoulders and neck.

"HeY! Get off." I wiggled my body trying to push his arms off of me. 

I don't even know the guy name!

 I lost my virginity to the guy. Had kids with the guy. 

Yet I, Eudora the mother of two, don't even know her kids father names.

Shame on me.

"Are you so loud early in the morning?" He mumbled. I had to admit his morning voice had my thighs pressing together and a very uncomfortable mushiness dampening my panties.

"Yes when I have a stranger arms around me!"

"I'm not a stranger baby girl."

"I don't even know your name"

"And I know yours. Red."

"Not my name." I mumble, slightly blushing that he remember the name I told him.

"That's what you told me it was. You are beautiful in the mornings." He was staring at me but I knew what I looked like in the mornings.

Hair tangled and Wild. If i didn't have dry drool on my face then i was lucky and bags, gifts from the lack of sleep i always get.

But I didn't feel tired. I felt. Awake.

"Its Eudora..."

"Good morning Eudora. I'm Domenico."

"Domenico" I whispered. I had to roll my tongue a bit extra just to say it. I kinda liked it. The way it just felt on my tongue. 

"Eudora" He whispered back. Our eyes connected and I slowly forgot where I was or who i was with.

"MOMMY. DADDY." I heard Emiyah little voice scream. "Emiyah shut up." I heard Edgar whisper.

"OW! Don't hit me!"


I rolled my eyes and crawled out of bed opening the door. It was a bit of a long walk to the door. When The door flew open, the kids were outside hitting each other.


They stop, Emiyah hands in Edgar hair and his hands around her wrist.

"Into the kitchen right now. I'll be right behind you."

They ran away and I remembered even I don't know where the kitchen was in this big ass house.

"There a handful." I looked behind me to see Domenico dressed in grey sweats and no T-shirt.

I gulped and quickly looked away. God this man was more sexier than I remember.

"J-Just...Show me where the kitchen is."


"I want chocolate chips!"

"No I want Blueberries!"





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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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