(3)| Unexpected.

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||Unexpected||~ Chapter 3.

I stared at my notebook thinking about that night.

I lost how many rounds w shared together that night, but I know it was until the sun rose and the birds chirped.

Its been almost 3 weeks since that day, but  was still sore!

And he took me in all three holes...Best night I ever experienced.

I smiled at the memory and my cheeks flushed. I felt a nudge and I jolted looking to my side seeing someone eyeing me weirdly.

"Here." They were holding a paper and I realized everyone was waiting for me to pass the stack down.

"S-sorry." She rolled her eyes and turned back around and I took a packet and turned around handing it to the next person behind me.

"This is your homework. I want this completed by tonight and turned in by the morning. Have your parents sign it once finished so I can know that they have seen what you been working in during class."

Mrs. Bakers was a young lady in her mid thirties, very beautiful, all the guys and girls had a little crush on her and I admit she was hot.

Sometimes i wonder if she wasn't married with 3 kids would she have something with one of these students.

Soon the school bell rang, and everyone got up and left heading for lunch.

I headed to my locker and opened it, as I pushed all my books inside I closed it and walked.

I was perfectly fine when a wave of nausea hit me. I paused blinking repeatedly. 

I shook my head and continued walking following everyone who headed to lunch when something stopped me again.

"Yo! Watch where your going bitch."

I couldn't even form a sentence when people looked at me weirdly. I fell into the locker and I coughed.

"hey you alright?" I reached over to the person grabbing onto them. I stood up but before I could look up, black swallowed me whole.

"Help me bring her to the nurse office!"

I woke up seeing a bright light and I groaned squinting.

I sat up and looked around seeing the familiar room.

Why am I in here?

"Oh! Your awake," I looked to my side to see a girl with pink hair in a bun and brown skin. She was pretty with brown chocolate eyes and pink lips. "I was worried you would be dead." She chuckled but then frowned. "You look pale. Are you alright?"

I nodded rubbing my pounding head. "Y-yeah I think so...What happened?"

she shrugged. "You was walking funny and Johnson was like, "Yo watch where your going bitch!" And I was about to punch the shit out of him when you stumbled into the lockers and when I went to you asking if your alright you grabbed onto my boobs and said, "Fuck me" before passing out."

My eyes widen as I stared at her with my mouth opened. "Oh my god did I- I- Omg, I mean yeah your pretty but I- ugh"

She started laughing slapping her legs. "You should see your face! Im flattered hun, but im just kidding. You fainted in my arms and I had a few help because for such a small girl your really heavy."

I blushed and whispered a thank you. "No probs. Well school is practically over, but the nurse said I should take you to the hospital for a extra check up. Is that ok?"

I thought of my brother working at the club. I didn't want to bother him with my problems and smiled nodding. "Sure!"


She pulled up to the nearest hospital and we walked in. After signing in and showing the nurse note, a doctor came up to us and greeted us.

"Hi, You must be Eudora Elanor."

I smiled at the young men. He was quite handsome but nothing could compare to him.

"Yes, but you can just call me Red." His smile widen and nodded. 

"Well follow me and lets see why you fainted dear."

I followed him in a room, Marie- The girl who helped me- Followed. I sat on the bed while she sat in the chair and Doctor Mack Asked me questions.

"Ok So when is the last time you ate?"

I thought about it and nodded. "Breakfast around 9am? I didn't have lunch because I fainted before I could head into the cafeteria."

"How old are you?"

"Im 17 sir."

He nodded. "Any Nausea, Faints, lack of food etc?"

"Um...Yes I usually feel Nausea when I see food, but I always thought of it as the food was smelly." I cracked a joke and he laughed. "Well I will come back with some test, but please relax and ill be right back"

We nodded and when he left the room Marie quickly started talking. "Girl! What if your pregnant?!"

I almost choked. "W-what?"

"Nausea? You fainted...You crave things you don't usually crave, Girl those are symptoms of pregnant woman. Who you fucked babygirl?" She winked at me but I wasn't in a joking matter.

What if I am?

Now that I think about it, I don't remember him using a condom, and I don't remember taking a morning or birth control pill...

I starte dpanicking and if I couldn't be any paler than I as right now, I looked dead!

I started crying. 

"Oh shit..uhh im not good with tears girl stop crying." She patted my head awkwardly and that made me cry harder.


I stared at the piss in the cup and inspected it looking for little white sperms swimming around.


I handed to container to the doctor and he dipped a stick in it, when he pulled it out the end was pink and I looked at him hating how slow he was taking to respond.

I heard Marie curse and I looked at her. 'What?!"

"Girl you never watched jane the virgin?" I glared at her. She seemed unaffected. "When the doctor pulled out the stick and it turned pink that means she was pregnant." She whispered the last word and I felt my whole world melt away.

Doctor Mack started talking about abortions or plans etc etc, but I wasn't paying attention.

All I was thinking of was...im going to do this all alone. Im too young to be a mother! Hell my own mother abandon us leaving my brother to take care of me...

Tears fell down my face and I knew I fucked up.

I fucked up really badly.

That night was a mistake. A big ass mistake.

I did not expect this at all, I thought I was safe..

But the Unexpected always found a way to creep up someone and bite them in the ass huh?

My Best Mistake.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum