(5)| Candy My ass!

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||Candy my ass!||~ Chapter 5.

7 years later~

"Mommy look! I'm going to drink liquor!"

I glared at Eli and Marie. "I swear to god if you give my kids a SIP of vodka im going to break all these bottles of liquor Eli, and you know damn well I will."

Without hesitation, Eli grabbed The shots from Edgar and Emiyah.

Emiyah pouts and Edgar rolls his eyes. "You had a shot yesterday mommy." He said.

"That's because you guys was giving me a headache." I joked half way.

I finished drying the freshly washed glasses and stacked them behind me.

I needed a quick job and Eli gave it to me, now 7 years later I run the business with him. With the help of Marie and him, I managed to finish school and college and get a business degree. One day I hope to open a store of my own. Mostly a club.

"Guys go to the office and finish up your homework, Ill be there in a second and we can go home ok?"

I was surprised they didn't complain or argue but nod and followed Marie without hesitation.

I squinted my eyes. "And no phones!"

That's when they groaned and started complaining. I know my kids too well.

Eli laughed and I shook my head. "Why don't you stay by me tonight?"

"As much as that sounds soothing, Emiyah has a Student presentation which reminds me I have to go to staples and get the board and supplies...Oh, can you go to Edgar's parent day?"

He nodded. "You got it, ill show off my license of being a club owner. maybe bring a few dildos here and there." I threw the used rag at him and he burst into laughs. "Your not funny Eli, that school is too prissy for me, I swear that principle and them teachers got there panties in a twist." I scoffed. "Can you believe the other day Emiyah came crying to me saying that the teachers didn't give her a paper to the father daughter dance just because she don't have a dad? Can you believe that bullshit. I bet its because she is also black! Racist ass."

"I don't know why you put them in that school, knowing you will be judged with the decision you make raising both kids."

I shook my head. "I want them to have a good education, just because of the color of there skin they can't have that? And because of the amount of 0's in my bank account? Your kidding me."

I tucked a piece of my hair behind my ears. "I'm proud to be a mixed Hispanic black girl. And I shouldn't have no shame in that. My kids father is white yes but-"

"Wow, that's the first thing I know of him. What else is there?"

I sighed. "I don't know..."

He didn't say anything and I was grateful. I didn't really explain to Marie or Eli who the twins father was nor would I. I just didn't want to get into that  ever

Eli smiled at me, "Well im glad. Your a beautiful young lady, and your kids are just breath taking. I'm proud of you sis,  and I know dad will be too."

tears stinged my eyes and I smiled. "I love you Bro,"

"I love you too sis."

As the bar opened and people started lining up outside, I packed up my things and helped the kids with there stuff.

"Ed, can you hold your sister bag?" He nodded and put his bag on his back and his sister in front of him. "Mom look im pregnant!"

I laughed and kisses his forehead as he headed to the front door. I picked up Emiyah and made sure she was comfortable as she slept away on my back.

My Best Mistake.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora