(9)| Kids. This is your new home.

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The drive was as silent as can be. Besides the lights of the cars behind, beside and in front of us and the light thumping of those long thick fingers tapping against the steering wheel, everything was quiet.

"Mommy...I'm hungry" I looked back at Emiyah and rubbed her thighs. "We'll arrive shortly baby. Edgar share the phone with your sister."

"Mom she's too young to watch what I'm watching." 

I narrowed my eyes at Edgar. "Now! Or else I'll take the phone away from you."

"But mom!"

"Mom he is watching boobs."


"Excuse me young man. Give me that phone right now!"

"Little snitch." He passed me the phone and when I looked at it, I almost passed out. There was a woman rubbing her fake boobs in the camera and making fake facial expressions.


"Uncle Eli was watching it and it was under porn so I-"

Oh my brother will get it. "That's it. Your grounded! GROUNDED!"

"Mom! It's just boobs. I've seen yours before."

I scoffed, shocked to even speak and I turned around and folded my arms. "Edgar, that wasn't very appropriate to say to your mother. She doesn't want you to see something so  you don't see it."

"What are you? My father? Man fuc-"

I reached over and slapped his face. He held his cheeks and I could see his eyes watering. Mines was too, but I was not about to allow my children to grow up disrespectful and disobedient. A little slapping around never hurt no body.

"When we arrive, I want you to sit down. Grab and pen and a piece of paper and write FIVE full pages on how you are going to respect your elders, woman privacy and how sorry you are for disrespecting someone who is helping you. You will not eat dinner or go sleep until that is finished. What type of brother are you to allow your little sister your TWIN sister to see you behave this way? Especially to me! You will here on out learn respect. No more cursing. No more attitude and from now on, You will never ever dare have a phone in your hands until I see fit otherwise." I looked at Emiyah. "And you young lady. If i dare see you act even a bit as your brother did tonight, its me and you. Understand? BOTH OF YOU!"

"Y-yes mommy"

"Edgar I apologize for slapping you. It was out of line for me." 

"I-its o-o-ok." His lips trembled as his eyes were wide and watery as he silently cried. Emiyah, hugged him and he cried in her chest. I sighed and turned back around shaking my head.

"Hey...It was...that was-" 

"Just save your breath and drive."


"Woah...MOM THIS PLACE IS SO COOL!" Emiyah squealed as she ran around the mansion exploring. I too was in awe. I looked down at Edgar but he was too busy looking down sniffing.

I made my way over to him and kneeled down. "Baby?"

He didn't look at me and I touched his face. "Honey look at me."

"M-mama I'm sorry." I smiled softly at him and hugged him tightly as I ran my fingers through his curls. He looked like me but he had his father's dark blue eyes. Same as Emiyah. My brown skin toned with there beautiful thick dark hair and round doll sized dark blue eyes. 

"Come on, go make sure your sister doesn't break anything." He nodded and ran off searching for his sister. I stood up and sighed looking around. My eyes were caught with those familiar blue eyes I've watched for over 7 years.

"Your a good mother." I nodded and he looked at me.

"Let me show you around." I nodded again and followed him.

First he showed me the basics. The kitchen, dining room, living room, where everything were, the bathrooms and such on. When we made it up stairs he quickly arrived at two doors.

One was painted pink, Emiyah's favorite color and the other one was painted black with blue, purple and gold stars.

"Emiyah, the pink one is your room. Edgar, the black one is your room."

The kids didn't waste a second opening the door and screaming and cheering at the sights. Even I was a bit jealous. I looked into Emiyah's room and it was pink and full of everything she could ever dream of. I knew she was happy with her princess themed room because she looked like she was about to cry as she jumped into her father's arms.

"Thank you so much daddy." I saw his facial expression as he looked like he was driving through a storm of emotions. I smiled softly at the sight as he cleared his throat and nodded. "Y-your welcome princess."

"Dude! This room is sick!" Edgar hugged him and grabbed my arms dragging me inside. Edgar room was dark with bright LED lights, a flat screen tv and some gamer chairs and a bed across. Everything was boyish and I knew Edgar was in love.

"Kids. This is your new home." I whispered.

We left the kids to get comfortable in there new surroundings as I was led to my room. I entered and It was beautiful. The king sized bed was doubled with black satin sheets and Red comforter, with black curtains pulled back revealing the beautiful background of the woods and the moon.

Everything was so manly yet had a nice spice to it. Erotic. I loved it.

"This is our room."

"I'm sorry our?" He nodded.

"Yes. Our room."

Oh lord I'm in hell. 

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