Wolf's Bane

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"Scott you need to go faster dude." I say looking behind me and Kate Argent's SUV behind us.

"Much faster." Stiles said agreeing with me, and Scott started to put his foot down a little further on the accelerator. "Scott I don't think you're grasping the concept of a car chase here."

"If I go faster I'll kill us." Scott said anxiously.

"Well if you don't go faster they'll kill us."

"Well first they'll torture us, then they'll kill us." I said trying to get the boy to go a little faster, and the human in the car whimpers slightly at that thought.

Scott pushes down further on the gas pedal and we are finally at a speed that would constitute as a car chase, and I look back at the car behind us seeing it pull away.

"Uhhh, guys? She just pulled off." I said confused and Stiles grabbed his police receiver.

"All units, suspect is on foot, heading in to the iron works." We heard Noah say and we nodded at Scott and he pulled down the next street that would take us to the iron works.

We saw Derek ducking behind a big piece of machinery, and Stiles shouted for him to get in as he clambered in to the back next to me.

"What about laying low don't you understand?" Scott shouted at the older werewolf.

"DAMN IT, I HAD HIM! He was right in front of me and the fucking police show up." Derek shouted back, Stiles sticking his head between the seats to throw in his two cents.

"They're just doing they're jobs."

"Yeah thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state!" Derek said not taking his eyes of Scott.

"Can we seriously get past that? I made a dumbass mistake. I get it!"

"Can we stop shouting please. How did you find him?" I said trying to temper the testosterone filling the car. Derek stayed quiet looking out the front window of the car.

"Okay can you trust us for at least half a second?" Scott asked, tired of Derek's all take, no give attitude to the situation.

"Yeah, all of us." Stiles said, popping his head through the gap once again to look Derek in the face, before getting a stern look, and changing his attitude completely. "Okay, I'll be back here." He said leaning back in to his seat.

"Look, the last time I talked to my sister she was close to figuring something out, she found two things. The first was a guy named Harris."

"Our chemistry teacher?" I ask, with a perplexed expression on my face and as I turned to Stiles he seemed to mirror me, both leaning on the chairs in front of us to hear the conversation better.

"Why him?" Scott asked.

"I don't know yet."

 "What was the second." 

"Some kind of symbol." Derek said as he took out a drawing, that looked very familiar to me and to Scott.

"Oh god." I whisper, leaning back in to my seat.

"You know what this is?" Derek said to me, not noticing the look of recognition on Scott's face as well.

"It's a necklace." I said.

"Allison's necklace." Scott said from the front as he sighing deeply.


"Elle you need to ask her for it." Stiles said for the millionth time as we all walked in to school together.

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