Magic Bullet

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"I told you." I said in a sing-song tone to Scott and Stiles as we were sat in class, Scott filling us in on his fight with Derek.

"Well if Derek isn't the alpha, if he's not the one that bit him, then who did?" Stiles asked me with a smug face.

"I don't know, do I look like I have a supernatural consensus of Beacon Hills?" I scoffed at the boy sat next to me.

"Scott? Do you have like a feeling or something, of like, who bit you."

"I don't know." The boy replies with a disappointed tone of voice.

"Did the alpha kill the bus driver?" 

"I don't know." Scott repeated getting slightly irritated.

"Does Allison's dad know about the..." He started before being cut off by a pissed off Scott.

"I don't know!" Scott said loudly, turning round, drawing attention to us three.

I looked to my empty desk with an awkward snigger, even though I had been popular for years, I still hadn't gotten used to the way people stared at you.

My test was chucked on to my desk with a huge red A marked across the top, making me grin like a Cheshire cat, showing Stiles, as we had studied together for ages on this topic. He gave me a proud smile, then showing his grade that matched mine.

At that moment Stiles looked over Scott's shoulder at his D grade. "Dude, you need to study more." He said as Scott sighed slapping his test back on the table. "That was a joke, it's one test you'll make it up. Do you want help studying? Me and Belle already study together, it's really no big deal."

"Yeah, it's much better with snacks and someone to bounce ideas off of. We're studying tonight if you wanna join?" I say, backing Stiles up.

"No. I'm studying with Allison after school today."

"That's my boy!" Stiles exclaims, and I looked over confused.

"No, we're just studying."

"Uh-uh. No you're not." Stiles insisted.

"No I'm not?" Scott asked, amused at his best friend's tone of voice.

"Not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you. If you go to her house today and squander that colossal opportunity, I swear to god I'll have you de-balled!" Stiles voices, making me scoff at the boy's words. 

"You always go round Elle's house though." Scott said smirking, making me blush profusely. I looked down at the table, trying to cover my cheeks as much as possible. I really regretted not doing a full face of make up today, that might have covered the blush that was raging.

"Uh, uh w-well that's not the point." Stiles stuttered, making Scott chuckle at his friend's response.

"Just stop with the questions, okay?" Scott said and Stiles violently nodded his head, and I saw him looking over at me worriedly in my peripheral vision, as I had suddenly seemed to become engrossed in the lesson, which was all an act because I hate Geography, with a passion.

When the bell rang, I gathered my things quickly, and left with a small smile to the boys, going over to put some things in my locker before the next class.

"Hey Elle." I hear from beside me instantly recognising the red head's voice.

"Hey Lyds, Ally." I says, still feeling awkward from the previous situation, and they pick it up quickly.

"What's up with you?" Lydia asks, taking my hand, trying to find my gaze with her own. "If it's that boy, I will beat him up." She says squeezing my hand.

And As If By Magic | Stiles Stilinski 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora