A Second Chance at First Line Part 2

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Elle sat on the jeep's hood as they watched Derek be taken to a car in handcuffs, fiddling with her fingers and biting her cheek anxiously. She had a sinking feeling in her gut, they hadn't got the right guy. Stiles began walking towards the police car, a nonchalant look on his face, ducking as he opened the door.

"No!" Scott whisper shouted at their friend as he looked behind his shoulder at his friends by the jeep, Elle shaking her head, giving him a warning look before he clambered inside the car. 

"He's an idiot. An actual idiot." Elle sighs, face in her hands, watching through her fingers at the boy in the police car.

"Yeah, well your the one in love with the idiot." Scott says smirking, but it soon drops as Elle smacks his arm. Hard.

"Shut up will you." She said looking around at the police department around them. "Someone might hear you. And I didn't tell you so you could tease me 24/7."

As they turn back to the car they see Stilinski open the door and drag Stiles out, both cringing at the conversation that will be going on between the two right now. Elle walking in to the conversation, to save the boy, as she hears him make a giant mistake.

"The night that you told me you were alone and Scott was at home."

"Yes! No! Oh crap." he sighs at his blunder. Awkwardly smiling at the girl walking in to the tricky situation. The sheriff gave Elle an acknowledging smile as she moved in to his eye line.

"Isabelle it's lovely to see you, but you're not getting Stiles out of this today I'm afraid. So you lied to me Stiles."

"Well that depends on how you define lying."

"I define it as not telling the truth, how do you define it?"

"Reclining your body in a horizontal position?" Stiles tries.

"Get him out of here." Noah says to Elle with a hand on her shoulder and an amused look was shared between the two.

"Of course sheriff." She says with a salute, before dragging Stiles back to his Jeep. "You really need to learn to be a better liar Stiles." She says with a smirk on her face as she climbs in to the Jeep.

"I know, it's hard, he's my dad, he almost knows me better than you guys do." Stiles says pulling out of the Hale property, with a slight grind before he changes up a gear.

Elle leans forward in her seat popping her head between the two boys, looking at Scott's phone over his shoulder.

"I can't find anything about wolfs-bane being used in burial." Scott says coming out of another supernatural website.

"Just keep looking. Maybe they bury you as a wolf. Or maybe it's a special skill. Something you have to learn. Elle do you know? I mean has your mom told you anything about that kind of thing?"

"Not for burial, but I know that turning in to a real wolf is a very rare skill, something few werewolves can do, and it makes you, like, really well respected. Like apparently Derek's mother could."

"Oh wow that's cool. That would be cool for you to learn you know Scott."

"I'll put it on my to do list. Right after I figure out how to play this game tonight."

"Maybe it's different for girl werewolves." Stiles theorizes, Elle making an approving face, thinking he may be right, before Scott suddenly becomes angry.

"Okay stop it"

"Stop what?" Stiles says oblivious to the teen wolf's growing exasperation.

"Stop saying werewolf, stop enjoying this so much!"

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