Pack Mentality Part 1

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| A/N  Gonna try and do it in first person just to do something different |

I hear a buzzing from next to me, forcing me to peel open my eyes, rubbing them to get the sleep to go away. I grumbled, cursing whoever was calling me at 6:30 in the morning. Without looking at the caller ID I picked up.

"Hello, you've reached a very tired Elle, who is this?" I say monotonously with a slight gravel to my voice being as I had just woken up.

"Hey, sorry Elle it's Allison." The other girl on the line says with a slight giggle.

"Why are you so happy so early in the morning Ally?" I sigh, trying out a new nickname, sitting up and catching my rough looking reflection in the mirror. My hair was everywhere and I had dark circles from left over mascara, making me cringe, throwing off the covers to open the curtains.

"Ha I like it, well I'm calling you because my car is playing up and neither of my parents can take me to school, you wouldn't be able to come pick me up would you? Please?" She asks through the phone polite as ever, and I could practically see the nervous smile on her lips through the phone.

"Of course I can munchkin, be ready at quarter to 8, we can grab a coffee on the way." I say yawning, and stumbling over to the bathroom to start sorting out the mess that was my face.

"Okay see you soon! Love you! Thank you so much!"

"No problem." I say giggling at her politeness, blowing a kiss down the phone before hanging up.

I washed my face and brush my teeth, tying up my hair before getting in to the shower, for a quick freshen up, and karaoke session to Hamilton.

When I was done I sauntered back to my room, to the beat of 'What did I Miss' (Daveed Diggs is the best), grabbing a cute cropped jumper and some jeans, before Dutch plaiting my hair and applying my usual thin layer of make up with a chunky wing of eyeliner. 

I jogged down the stairs, putting on the kettle for a cup of tea, and made myself some jam on toast. I packed myself some lunch for school and packed my bag for the day, sipping on my cuppa as I did. I look in the mirror and decide I need some lipstick on today. I'm feeling boujee. I grab a nude lipstick and line my lips with a slightly darker pencil, adding the nude over top and pouting at myself in the mirror just for the fun of it.

I look at the time and decide it is probably a good idea to get going, so I chuck on my khaki jacket and head out the door.

When I pull up outside the Argent house I text Allison to tell her I'm outside and she appears after a minute or so running over to my car and getting in the passenger side. 

"Ugh. Thank you so much, I owe you one." She says with a smile on her face.

"Oh shush what are friends for if it's not for last minute lifts. I'd have been stuck many a time if I had to give Stiles a lift every time he gave me one." I laugh and put on Little Mix , us singing at the top of our lungs to 'Power' all the way to the local cafe.

We grabbed a couple of lattes, mine with vanilla syrup, and sat in the car with them for a while just chatting, when my favourite topic comes up. My feelings for Stiles. Note the sarcasm.

"So Lydia tells me you have the biggest crush on Scott's bestie." Allison says with a cheeky grin on her face.

"It's not a crush Ally, I'm fucking head over heals for the guy, it's so annoying." I sigh, downing the rest of my coffee, as if it's going to make everything better.

"Why is it annoying??" She asks incredulously.

"Well it's so cringe isn't it. Being in love with your childhood best friend, and plus he only sees me as that. A best friend. So it's kind of depressing." I say swirling my cup around, before Allison grabs my hand.

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