The Tell

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|A/N Sorry it took so long for the update, I had to go back to work but here is a super long chapter for you to enjoy!|

"MUUUUM?" I shouted up the stairs.

"WHAAAAT?" I heard back, her matching my tone perfectly, mocking me.

"DO YOU KNOW WHERE HALF BLOOD PRINCE IS?" I shouted, having not being able to find it in my Harry Potter movie draw.


"Shit." I whispered, knowing I must have left it there. But I really wanted to watch it. I'd been watching the others over the weekend and was trying to get through the whole series before Monday morning.

"I'M GOING TO RENT IT, I'LL SEE YOU IN A BIT." I shouted up the stairs getting a grunt of recognition, and I threw on my jacket and some trainers getting in the car to drive to the DVD rental place in town.

When I got inside the shop it seemed awfully quiet for a Sunday evening, but I shrugged it off, searching for the section the Harry Potters might be, until I heard a very familiar voice.

"Can somebody help me find The Notebook?" I hear and turn round smirking.

"Lydia making you watch it again?" I laughed and he looked at me with a completely done look.

"It's all we ever watch, it's so boring!" He says to me and I shrug.

"Ryan Gosling is hot, so is Rachel McAdams to be fair. Lydia wont watch another movie, believe me I have tried." I say with a smile on my face, I do like The Notebook, but it isn't the best, especially when you have watched it 10,000 times.

"Do you know where it is then?" He asks me but I shake my head.

"I have a copy so if we are doing a movie night I just take it round to hers." I say apologetically and he sighs.

"Does anybody work here?" He shouts, getting frustrated that he hasn't been able to find it immediately. "What's that?" He suddenly says tapping my arm, and I turn to see what looks like shoes.

"Dunno." I say and we slowly close in on it, him in front of me as if he could stop me from getting hurt, Lydia would never forgive him. We slowly turn the corner and Jackson's eyes widen to twice the size. "What?" I say, taking a look.

There was a man staring forward, no life in his eyes, as if his throat had been slashed and dark blood was oozing out of the wounds. Jackson stumbled back knocking a ladder over and which cut the power. I grabbed on to his arm to make sure I didn't loose him, I couldn't let him be alone with whatever did that, and I had a pretty clear idea of what it was.

Suddenly a growl came from the other side of us and we turned to see a dark, demon like wolf. I pushed Jackson the other way and we began running to a shelf a few meters away and dived behind it, breathing heavily. I slowly turned my head round the corner of the shelf, to see where the alpha had gone, coming up with nothing, until a flash of it ran past, startling me back in to the position I was previously in. 

"Where is it?" I hear Jackson whisper next to me and I shake my head, heart racing like I was running a marathon. I couldn't show Jackson my powers, he was already on to Scott, so I had nothing in my arsenal against this thing. I started to panic, my breath quickening and my hands shaking. DVDs rained down on us and I heard the shelves toppling like dominoes, I looked at Jackson frozen in horror not knowing what to do.

Jackson pushed me out the way, trying to get away himself, but he got trapped by the shelves collapsing on his legs.

"Get help!" He whispered, looking in pain, I nodded and ran out of the shop to call the police. My hands shook as I took out my phone and dialed the emergency number.

And As If By Magic | Stiles Stilinski 1Where stories live. Discover now