' The man who doesn't even spare me glance all day.....is offering me to drop me at my college and that too on his own accord.'

He again cleared his throat, in attempt to pull me out of my thoughts.
I gladly accepted the offer and hopped in the passenger's seat, without exhibiting a slight tint of excitement on my face.

The drive to my college was super silent, though I was going through a 'question -question' round in my mind.

Well its 'question - question' because my mind didn't have a answer to any of my questions.


Parking in front of her college gate and turning off the engine, I got off along with her.
She turned around and thanked me.......but couldn't turn back and step forward.
She suddenly took on a pale look, her eyes flickering to close, lips seemed dry and her body seemed off-balanced.
Something went off in my mind and I rushed to her side, right at the moment when she fainted in my arms.

I noticed students watching so I picked her up and placed her inside the car.
After few failed tries of waking her up, I sprinkled water on her, getting a satisfying result.

She sat up straight while adjusting her vision, and looked at me with her eyebrows intertwined.
"What happened??"- she asked in a muffled tone, while rubbing her nape .

"That's what I want to ask?? Why did you faint all of a sudden?"

She shrugged her shoulder and said,
"I don't know.... Since the last week, I'm feeling kinda strange, somewhat weak and pale. Even I threw up in the morning......
I don't know maybe the pastries from yesterday had a problem!."-  she answered with an innocent- guilty smile on her face......and this smile from this particular person does some God-knows-what magic, making my stomach take turns.

But ignoring my inner turbulence, I suggested,
"Let's go to the hospital."- in an enraged tone.
However, it didn't take her seconds to turn down my offer and sprint down from the car.
"No....I have morning classes......if I stay any long, I will be late.
And the innocent little girl disappeared in the crowd of students leaving me in a daze.

Time skip.

A knock on my cabin door made me obliged to look up from the pile of documents on my table, that I was signing.
"Come in.."- I responded.

And a maiden came in with a broad smile on her face, her palm clutching a paper bag, while her heels on the marbled floor filled the room with clicking sounds.

She came towards me and placed herself comfortably on my lap, forcing me to remove my specs and direct all my attention on her.

"Good morning babe."- she said while placing a kiss on my cheeks.
"I have brought breakfast for you!"- she notified while bringing her hand up and showing me the paper bag.

"But I already had my breakfast today darling.."- I blurted watching her excitement fade away.

"You had your breakfast???? With whom??  Your wife?"-  she interrogated in a stern voice .


"Jungkook how long are you going to make me wait??? You said you will leave her for me!!"- she asked while stomping her foot .

"How about I get my dessert now??"- I said, feeling an urgent need for change of topic.
And then I press my lips against her.
Though she was angry but couldn't resist for long.....and she kissed me back within few seconds.

The kiss was sweet, passionate and synchronised. Violet put her arms around my neck while I placed mine on her waist.

But something felt off.
No matter, how experienced she is in kissing, she  seems to fail to satisfy me these day. And to be exact, this dissatisfaction has started two months back.

'What have you done to me y/n???
I can't take my mind off you......
No matter how 'good and experienced in bed violet is....I am still craving for you. All my efforts to avoid you for the past month seems useless now.'

I was drawn away from my thoughts, when violet detached her lips from mine.
"Though you didn't had the breakfast, but I have brought something else for you."- she said while a sly smirk crept up to her lips.

She pulled out a file, placed in front of me and eyed me to open it.
The moment I open it, and read the title I felt my eyeballs popping out and eyebrows knitting together.

"Divorce her."- she said in a demanding voice. Then she continued,
"If you don't divorce her within this week, I will understand that this 3years of our relationship was fake because you ..Never Loved Me !"

She got up , and left even before I could formulate and give her a fitting answer.

I kept staring at the page which clearly stated
'Divorce Agreement' in  red bold letters..... A storm of emotions, thoughts and arguments ravaged across my mind.

'└♪.   is this really necessary?
┐♪.   Yes, maybe it is the best decision for all three of us. Neither one us are happy....

└♪.   But it will totally break y/n.....and what about you....is this what your heart really want??

┐♪.  Why would I care for her feelings?? I love Violet.
└♪   You..love... violet..... RIGHT?? Are you confident Jeon Jungkook??'


Check out my new book doll. It's has a totally new concept and not boring like this one.
Don't be a silent reader.
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