Ch.14 Who is it

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"Guys we have to tell you something"

"What is it Jisung?" Woojin asked to the younger. As the others just look at gim signaling him to continue.

"Well this is about Felix's first date-"

"Yeah we have discussed about it, so Felix wouldn't have trouble in this first date situation" Chan implied, as the others nodded in agreement while Felix and Jisung was kinda shock.

Felix was relieved that he didn't have to choose over this... Well not yet, the dates were just way to enhance they're relationship so that Felix may feel safe and comfortable in one of the guys.

But would the dates really make it better or worse?

"So who is it?" Felix timidly asked as the others waited impatiently for the answer.

"Well you have to wait and see who it is." Hyunjin said with flirt in the tone of his voice and it is deap making it hot for some guy we now, who was secretly dying in the inside not just the fact that Hyunjin sounded hot, but he was curios who he is he going to date first.

The others were dissaopointed to know that they will have to wait who was going to be Felix's date.

It was a Monday next morning that means they will not find out in a school day.

(=¢°•°)=¢ <3

The eight boys were heading to their dorms as they seperated ways after the others walked to designited floor Woojin went with Felix towards the younger's dorm. After they arrived with Woojin settle down on the couch since his offered help in unpacking was denied by Felix and I.N.


A message was received from the in the room.



Hey cupcake watcha doing?

Just finish unpacking
Wat about u cookie?(+_+)


Yeah why? I'm a cupcake and
your a cookie😂

LOL. I wish I was a balloon


So u can blow me anytime

Wtf! Don't show ur hoeness here

Then how will I keep my
title dummy

Dummy? *Gasp* excuse me!

Why, you dont want?
I can be your ventriloquist.

Excuse me?! And why is that?

So I can touch you anywhere
I want.

Where's the blacklist again?

No no! Just wanna ask u
are u free tonight?

I am: expensive😂
Jk! Yeah I am

LOL. Ok wear something cute yet
warm tonight OK bye babe LY
Be ready at 8


"WOOJIN HYUNG!!!" Felix shouted making the elder who was wearing airpods jump from the sudden noise.

"What?" Woojin asked as he inspect the boy with worry. After few seconds the younger showed him the text conversation from which he had with Minho a little while ago.

"Where's Jeongin?"

"He went to Jisung and Seungmin's"

"Of course he did" Felix rolled his eyes making the other laugh.

"Anyway help me with preparing" Felix said as he almost jumped around panicking until the older calmed him down.

"It's just 3 there is still time, take a shower at 6 and I'll prepare your outfit. In the meantime prepare your mind for your date" After that Woojin fished out his phone from his pocket and texted Jisung.




What is it hyung?

I know who's the first date

Innie and Seungmin are here
with me, is that ok?

Are you kidding that just made it
more easier, now about that'who'

Who is it? *def Chan*

Put that hope a little lower
Its Minlix who's first

U kidding right?

Of course not, my ship
just made a hole on yours
*stick tongue out*

This just means that my ship
can prepare more for their turn
*sticks tongue out*



After the conversation he just had with the younger, it was still early for Felix to prepare so Woojin made sure Felix had an outfit for the upcoming date.

He opened the drawers one by one to see nothing made its way to a wow factor.

Felix was in the kitchen eating ice cream to wash away his nervousness.

"LEE YONGBOK" Felix almost dropped the bowl of ice cream, well at least he knew how the older felt when he shouted. Felix began to walk over to where the heck the shout came from.

"Wha--t happen?" Felix saw that his clothes was everywhere he looked over to the older who was picking up some of the mess, Felix was about to say something but he was cut off by Woojin.

"Let's go shopping" Woojin suggested while he continued picking the clothes up.

Its been a while and I still haven't had an idea of what should be Woojin's super power

Fun fact: I learned reading and writting Hangul in just 2 days, its not that hard as I thought.사랑해

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