Ch.12 Date? Not

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"Would you like to go out on a date with me?" Minho asked almost stuttering, the others perked up and looking like they want a fight. Felix on the other hand just stare at Minho his mind three light years from reality making some of them impatient of his answer.

"You don't have to answer it right now and its okay if you don't want to-" Minho implied snapping Felix out of his trance his eyes had sympathy but his mind was debating 'If I say yes what would the others think and if I don't I'll break his heart' his debating stopped when a sudden voice mixed with what Minho said.

"You can go with me"

"Or me"

"I am an option"

"Guys stop confusing my son" Woojin exclaimed while he went closer to Felix and wrapped his arms around him like a teddy bear giving a hug sure enough Felix hugged back.

"How about this what if we make a rule" Jisung started while the others listen "Felix will date someone in one day, like a cycle. But when there is free time for him ofcourse" he concluded.

"My gosh, when did you get so smart Jisung?" Woojin asked chuckling as with the others earning a glare from the said boy.

"That's a great idea hyung, but who goes first?" Jeongin asked as the the four male look at each other, same as with the others, while a confused looking Felix just stayed silent.

"Well since I asked first-"

"Hold up he didn't even said yes" Changbin defended

"Yeah, but how do we settle this, Felix?" Chan asked

"I uhh... dont want to right now, its a bit hard to choose between you four, I don't want to break your friendship" Felix stated with a tear rolled down his cute freckled cheeks, this sight was kinda heart breaking for everyone.

Felix had been so positive to everyone and he's like their sunshine that illuminated their hearts, so as the sunshine, it was devestating to see their sunshine go gray and pour raindrops, and even more heart breaking is they felt that it was their fault.

"I'd rather kill this love before a break-through your friendship" he said which felt like he was about sob but he felt four pair of arms around him, which you may call a group hug, soon enough the others joined.

"Sorry that you have to overthink this Felix, from now on will make things easier for you" Hyunjin said with a soft voice comforting the younger as the three hummed in agreement.

"No dates for now, lets just watch a movie then" Woojin suggested while looking for a good movie, Seungmin and Jeongin insisted that they prepare popcorns before the movie starts, Felix was cuddled up with Jisung as the older whispered something against his ear.

"I saw what you did back there, and me Likey!" Jisung exclaimed making both of the laugh quietly as the movie starts, it was more like a tv series.(Hwarang)


After the movie they've decided to play a bit of board games Jisung had they've been playing a while it was now 3 pm, Felix was still a bit sad not just of what happen but also he have been bank crupted three times in monopoly.

"Why don't we go to the pool" Chan suggested as Jisung perked up from the idea.

"Let's go!" Jisung exclaimed playfully throwing his arm in the air.

Few minutes later they some were change for swimming while Woojin and Felix waited in the shades seated on a bench beside the pool with the umbrella both covering them, they've decided not to swim with everyone.

Woojin being the hyung he is, he wanted to make sure everyone is safe, while Felix definetly knows what too much chicken is now. After a good 4-5 minutes, loud cheering were heard from the back door which was basically leading to them.

Felix pov

I can feel my ribcage breaking to a million pieces as my heart pounds faster and harder than before I can feel my body melting as I saw them SHIRTLESS!

Those defined, toned abs to those bulging muscle from there buffed body. Everything is in slow motion 'Is it the chicken making me so this?'

Everything turned normal as Woojin spoke pulling my mind back to Earth.

"You're just making their smirks bigger, so try to not choke when they get those defined abs wet" Woojin hyung stated playfully, as he turn his attention back to his drink. (Not alchohol)

I just sat there averting my eyes from them as they dive one by one to the pool joining the three younger males who was playing with a pool noodle.

"Woojin hyung, what do you think will happen if I pick one" I said with a sad eyes looking towards the four boys who made me feel like I can be worth something else.

"Felix listen... I know it's hard to make that decision cause you don't want anyone getting hurt, but that's why you were given the chance to have dates with them, thats how you'll get to know them from a different angle and that's how you will now who's good for you."

Woojin hyung is like the best counselor in this world, if he get paid for everytime he made me comfortable he'd be a rich man.

"But who do you think I'll date first?"

"Well that's up to you or better yet let them choose so they don't fight"

"Thanks hyung" I thanked as I gave him a smile

"But I ship Minlix, so..."

"Hyung!!" I whined as he laughed out loud

Couldn't make the other chapters I have a check up with my opthalmologist cuz my eyes doesn't have the same grade.😣😣

Thats why I have trouble writing it at night( radiation thing)

Anygays hears an update

Next Chapter: with smut?


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