we'll follow u

"Hey, stop at the next rest stop. We'll be getting some lunch and having a bathroom break." Renjun said, having trouble with texting with one hand since the other was still wrapped around Bo's small body.

"Cool." YangYang smiled. "I thought I'd never say this, but that kid is the only toddler I think I can actually call cute."

"What do you mean?" Renjun chuckled, rubbing Bo's side. The boy was wriggling around and slowly waking up.

"He's pretty cute and he behaves well. Not a lot of kids are like him." YangYang said. "Oh god I'm kinda traumatized with kids."

"Bo's just naturally calm. It probably runs in the family since Jeno is kinda like that too." Renjun said, hearing a small whine from the kid. "I will say that most kids get cranky after they wake up so you being you, you'll change your opinion."

"You know me so well." YangYang smiled, turning easily into the nearest exit to a rest stop nearby.

Renjun had slowly shaken Bo awake, the kid whining and looking a little teary eyed from being woken up. He hadn't cried or anything, just on the brink of doing so.

"Bo-ah, we're gonna go to lunchtime. You wanna have lunchtime with me?" Renjun asked him, referring to lunch like they would at school.

"Wenjun-hyung I wanna sleep." Bo whined, sniffling a bit. Renjun saw YangYang panic a little when the boy got teary eyes and sniffled.

"Well, we can go into the restaurant and you can sleep until the food arrives, okay?" Renjun asked, smiling sweetly at the boy. Bo nodded and felt Renjun unbuckle his seatbelt. The older opened the door and carried Bo out of the car with YangYang in tow.

"Now that is some skill." His friend referred to how easily and calmly Renjun handled the situation.

"It's easy after 5,000 tries." Renjun giggled. The little boy's head rested on Renjun's shoulder, his small arms around Renjun's shoulders. The little boy was light and Renjun was used to carrying some kids at the school, Bo being one of them.

"Whatever, let's just go inside. I see Ten and Jaemin at the entrance." YangYang signaled at the two boys who were located at the front doors of the place.

The rest stop was this large wooden building that had cars filling the parking lot. There was a gas station on the side that also had a handful of cars there. The rest stop itself had multiple logos and signs that showed a small mini-mart, some fast food places and a couple of restaurants and stores.

"Hey!" Ten smiled at the boys, seeing Renjun carrying a drowsy toddler.

"Hey. How's the drive been?" Renjun asked them, walking inside the building with his other friends.

"Pretty good. I thought it would be more boring, honestly." Ten chuckled, slinging an arm around Jaemin's shoulders.

"Totally agree. Ten and I have been having too much fun in that car." Jaemin agreed, as they walked into the doors of the restaurant nearby. They got seated quickly and Renjun placed Bo in the seat beside him as they got placed in a booth. The boy leaned into Renjun's side, still a little drowsy.

He had been warm besides Renjun and loved the feeling. It felt nice. Usually Bo would be sad to be away from Jeno. He was so used to being around the older that being apart from him scared him sometimes.

But he loved Renjun for some reason. Renjun wasn't as comforting as being around Jeno, but it was a close second. He sometimes missed Jeno more than being around his mom or dad.

"Bo-ah, what do you wanna drink?" Renjun asked him softly. The boy was still a little drowsy, blinking a couple of times and yawning afterwards.

"Oh my gosh~ So cute~" Jaemin cooed, sitting across from Renjun and Bo.

"I want apple juice." He said, and Renjun hummed. He sat the boy on his lap and brought the crayons and the paper menu that had a drawing on it. He handed them to Bo and the kid seemed a little more awake.

His small hands gripped the crayons and started doodling on the paper as well as coloring the drawing provided. Renjun had to say that for a five year old, Bo was pretty good at drawing.

"That kid is the cutest kid I've ever seen." Ten smiled at the boy. Bo was busy doodling and didn't hear what Ten had said. Renjun chuckled and patted his head, smiling a little.

Renjun's arms held him tightly, seeing how YangYang tried to subtly take a picture of Renjun and the kid.

"Renjun is literally a mom. Here's the evidence." YangYang said as he sent the same text to their groupchat.

"Oh stop it." Renjun rolled his eyes, laughing afterwards. He got a tap on his hand and looked down at the boy in his arms.

"Wenjun-hyung, are you good at drawing?" Bo's pronunciation of Renjun's name literally made Ten's heart melt. He's never been so touched by such a cute kid until this moment.

"Sure. What do you want me to draw?" Renjun asked, grabbing one of the red crayons Bo hadn't used.

"Can you draw me a spaceship? Hyungie is really good at drawing those." Bo pleaded Renjun, looking at him with puppy eyes.

"Okay..." Renjun smiled, getting to work and drawing a pretty good spaceship from his memory. He wondered if Bo made Jeno draw things from his words.

"Renjun-Hyung is really good at drawing, Bo-ah." Jaemin added. Bo looked up at the other and then at Renjun. His heart felt so warm being around Renjun, he really couldn't help it.

"Wenjun-hyung, can you draw anything?" Bo asked him. Renjun chuckled and nodded at him.

"Sure!" Renjun smiled.

Bo gawked at Renjun, seeing how his somewhat long blonde hair got in his eyes. The older's lips were cherry red and his eyes sparkled. Bo thought Renjun was perfect.

I love Wenjun-Hyungie.


lowkey im popping off during quarantine like omg i look skinnier and... curvier???

latina genes coming in clutch rn bc i exercise everyday now lmao and my skin is all glowy and shit like

sis where you been this whole time????

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