“Annie you totally ruined her lunch.” Michael chided.

“I said sorry!” Annie cried, “She can have some of my lunch. You want some Katy?”

“Oh, um, no thank you.” I said quickly, “I’m fine really.”

“I have an extra pudding cup.” Luke offered, holding it out to me, “Interested.”

“No thanks.” I replied, “Really, I’m fine.”

Shrugging, Luke tore open the pudding cup and took a large bite.

“You heard anything from Cal?” he questioned, looking across the table to Michael.

“No.” Michael sighed, eating a slice of pizza, crust side first, “But Anna texted me.

“What did she say?” Annie asked.

“Annie, we’re not talking to you bud.” Michael laughed, handing her a napkin for the milk dripping down her chin.

Setting down her baggy of cereal, she wiped her mouth.

“Apparently he’s okay.” Luke said slowly, “I guess he’ll be back to school in the next few days.”

“Where did he go?” Annie questioned.

“Annalese!” Michael laughed, “Butt out!”

“No I like Calum.” She said frowning, “He’s nice. He’s my friend.”

“I’m I your friend?” Luke questioned.

“Say no.” Michael whispered.

“No Michael that’s mean!” Annie cried.

“You tell him!” Luke cheered, “So am I your friend? Are we totes besties?”

“You’re my friend.” She said reaching across the table and patting his hand.

“Thank you.” Luke breathed, “I’m honored.”

“Michael you’re not my friend.” She said seriously turning to Michael.

“OH, gee thanks!” Michael cried, acting offended, while Luke tried hard to hide his laughter.

“You’re my brother.” She continued, “But if you….if you were not my brother. If you were not. I would be your friend okay?”

“Oh, okay thanks.” He said, breathing out a sigh of false relief, “You scared me there for a minute.”

Nodding, Annie then turned to me.

“You’re my friend Katy.” She said pleasantly.

Embarrassedly I looked up and finding the other boys looking at me, quickly looked back down.

“Michael is Katy your friend too?” she then questioned innocently.

“No.” I said quickly, “No, I….he’s…I….sorry.”

“Well damn Pratt.” Michael laughed, placing a hand over his heart, “Don’t worry about my feelings or anything.”

“What?” I whispered, “No. I just…. I didn’t want you to say you were my friend I didn’t want to um… bother you I….”

“It’s fine.” Luke laughed, “He’s being stupid.”

Blushing, I looked back down at the table.

“I should go.” I mumbled.

“So soon?” Michael huffed, “You’re standing me up?”

“What?” I questioned.

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