Chapter Twenty-Five

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Daniela's POV

I woke up around eight in the morning the next day. It was understandable because I slept really late yesterday. I turned on the bed and buried my head into the pillow smiling foolishly to myself as I remembered what happened yesterday.

Alexander and I kissed in the elevator. The doors opened and then we were caught by a janitor who had been sweeping the parking lot. Then we came home, and he made me go to sleep straight away, because he knew I was tired.

I turned to lie on my back. I didn't remember the last time I woke up smiling like a mad woman. I always woke up neutral or frightened from a nightmare, but today, I was overjoyed.


Alexander had been in my head the whole night, but surprisingly he wasn't a nightmare. I had a dream. I freaking dreamt about Alexander, and he wasn't murdering me in the dream. That was a first, and I hoped it was a hint that I wasn't going to be having nightmares again.

I got out of bed and entered the bathroom to get prepared for the day. I didn't know how I was going to spend it though. All I could think about was what I was going to say if I saw Alexander. Then it hit me again that it was past eight. By now he had already left for work. That would be good I guess, because I didn't even know what to do with myself. I didn't know what was wrong with me, but whatever I was feeling was very overwhelming. I wondered what it was.

I took my time to have a hot shower and washed my hair. After drying it, I got dressed and then headed downstairs for breakfast.

I met Nina and Jenny in the kitchen.

"Good morning," I greeted them as I leaned on the kitchen island.

They turned and smiled at me. "Morning Ela," they responded.

"Do you want anything for breakfast?" Jenny offered.

"No thank you. I'm fine. I'll just make some tea," I decided.

"Well I just boiled some water. You can help yourself," Nina added.

"Thanks," I said to her, heading towards the kettle. I quickly prepared some Earl Grey and took it with some toast as I made small talk with Nina and Jenny.

When I was done, I headed out thinking about what to do next. I suddenly remembered something and then turned around before I could completely leave the kitchen.

"Uh, do you know when Alexander left for work?" I asked them.

Nina shook her head and Jenny responded, "He hasn't come down for breakfast, and I also haven't seen him leave the house."

"Yes, I've been downstairs since six, and I've not seen him yet," Nina added.

I frowned. How could Alexander still be at home? Or maybe they just didn't see him. Yeah it could be that, because Alexander was never late for work.

I nodded at them anyway and then headed upstairs. I walked to his room and then knocked on the door.

There was no answer.

I hesitated before opening the door, because I had never gone I to his room again after I had broken his mother's picture frame. I quietly slipped inside and closed the door gently before turning around.

There he was, on his bed, under the covers, fast asleep.

I frowned in confusion. There was something wrong. He would never sleep in this late. It was past nine now. I carefully walked to his bed, not knowing what to expect.

"Alexander?" I called when I reached the foot of his bed.

No answer.

Getting worried I climbed into the bed, crawling on it till I got beside him. By the steady rise and fall of his chest, I realised he was still breathing, that was good. He looked so peaceful and gorgeous with his eyes closed and his lips slightly parted. I wanted to touch him to wake him up, but I just couldn't.

My Dear NightmareHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin