Chapter Twenty-Two

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Alexander's POV


I jerked up from bed faster than I thought possible. I realised my heart was hitting against my chest heavily, and I tried evening out my breathing as I got used to my surroundings. It was very early in the morning since darkness still hovered around, and it was surely Daniela's voice that had woken me up. What the hell was going on?

Had someone gotten into the house? Was he hurting her?

Thinking that she was in trouble, I jumped out of bed and rushed out of my room. I quickly paced to her room and forced her door open.

My heart shattered at what I saw.

She was sobbing, still in bed with her eyes closed as she continuously shook her head, shifting on the bed.

No stranger was hurting her. It was me.

She was having a nightmare, and it was because of me.

I hurried towards her, and got on the bed beside her. "Daniela," I said softly, gently shaking her, only for her to start struggling out of my hold. "Wake up."

"Don't hurt me. Let me go," she cried. She had been saying that a lot when I was around. I had succeeded in making her hate me, but I didn't feel a bit happy about that.

"Daniela," I coaxed. "It's me. Please wake up."

She stilled and then her eyes opened. She furrowed her eyebrows looking intently at me. When her black orbs registered my face, they went darker with panic and fear.

"No! You're not going to kill me. You're not!" she screamed, and before I could even think of saying something to calm her down, she rushed of her bed, running out of the room.

I quickly got off the bed and chased after her.

"Daniela, please stop! You're not dreaming anymore," I tried convincing her.

"No!" she yelled back. Then she hurried off to the stairs that led to the second floor.

"Daniela," I called after her, running up the stairs.

She tried to increase her speed when she realised I was close, but then she missed a step and tripped, and then started falling backwards. For the first time in a while, I thanked God sincerely for my good reflexes as I caught her in my arms- bridal style, but she didn't stop. She started writhing in my arms in an attempt to get away, but I didn't let her. God knows what she would do to herself if I let her go.

"Let me go, Alexander. Please."

I walked down the few steps and then started running circles with my fingers at her back to calm her down. "Calm down Daniela. It was only a nightmare."

Magically, she stopped struggling and then relaxed. She wrapped her hand around my neck and buried her head into the crook of my neck, filling it with her tears. She was hurt, and it was stabbing me a billion times more.

"It's okay, it's okay," I whispered, walking slowly towards her room.

"All I want is a good night's sleep. That's all Alexander. You've taken everything from me, but please, just stop the nightmares."

The guilt had reached the apex, and I couldn't bear it anymore. I wanted to tell her that I was sorry, but then her head shifted slightly back and then her breathing slowed a bit more. She was asleep.

"I won't hurt you ever again," I promised and then instinctively kissed her forehead. "I promise."

The door was open so I just carefully took her inside. I laid her gently on the bed, making sure to cover her up well. I pushed her hair off her face and used the edge of my pyjama sleeve to clean her tears.

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