Chapter Forty-Three

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A/N: I can't even catch a break. 18k?!!! You guys are just wonderful. I literally have no words.

Alexander's POV

"So...what are you trying to say?" I looked at Mike wide-eyed, enveloped with shock and excitement at the words he had told me.

Our victory had come so sudden that it was difficult for me to actually accept it.

The past few days, my team had been keeping eyes on Delphine, and Justin especially, but we haven't been able to get anything from them. If you asked me, I would say Justin was scared after I had confronted him, so he had been keeping his activities on the low. There wasn't so much on Delphine, that it felt like I was on the verge of actually starting to believe that she was innocent, but my heart would never allow that, since I could still vividly remember the threats she gave Daniela.

We got our big break when Gus spotted Justin at a filling station. Gus suspected that he was going on a long journey, because according to him, Justin had paid for a large amount of fuel. So, currently he was following him.

Then Mike added, that we had to follow Gus, though he hadn't notified us of any suspicious activity. He also informed me that he had called for support from the police and from SWAT. The part that left me speechless and frustrated was that, Mike had found out that his friend who worked with SWAT was already at the location where Daniela was possibly being held.

If there was any truth in that, then it meant that if Mike had called said friend as soon as we found out she had been kidnapped, we would've found her a long time ago.

And that left me confused and angry.

I felt unexplainably stupid.

"That if we follow Gustavo right now, there's a huge possibility that we're going to come back with your wife, sir."

I exhaled, pressing my lips tightly to prevent myself from tearing up.

I nodded. "What are we waiting for then?"


Daniela's POV



"How are you?"

"I'm okay."

And that was how my conversation with the woman on the other side of my bathroom went. In a weird way, I was always satisfied with it as long as I knew she was fine. Most of the time, her voice is soft and almost hoarse, as if she had been crying. She never told me why though, which I completely understood. I was practically a stranger to her, and though we may be going through the same thing, she couldn't trust me to tell me. If I ever got out of here, I was going to bring her too, because no one deserved this situation, whether I knew them or not.

"Daniela? Are you decent?"

I lifted my head when I heard Ivan's voice. "Yeah."

The door opened a crack and he peeked in before coming inside.

"I'm sorry."

I sighed. "It's okay-"

"No, I mean-"

I giggled softly, surprised at how much he had changed. Ever since we found out that I could be carrying a child, he had been trying to sneak more food into my room. Unfortunately, all his efforts have been futile, because apparently, the guards were now more watchful when it came to me due to 'Richard's mistake'.

"It's really okay, Ivan," I assured him, even though I was more scared than I was letting on. Now my only prayer was for my unborn child to be okay.

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