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Steve kisses Roswell's cheek before he walks away, he wants to tidy up the apartment a little before she returns, just cause he and Bucky have let it go the past few days, mostly clothes, dishes, glasses, and empty bottles. Bucky threads his fingers with Roswell's and smiles at her.

"Coffee?" he asks her softly, she nods and leans against his arm. He kisses her head and holds her closer to him.


Wanda is waiting for them, well, for Roswell, in the communal kitchen. She stands from the counter and looks straight at her sister. Her eyes pleading with her to let her talk, to let her explain.

"Roswell" Wanda whispers. "Can we talk? Please?" Bucky looks at Roswell.

"You don't have to" Bucky assures her, Roswell glances at him. "You owe her nothing" she looks back at Wanda who is watching them.

"No, it's okay" Roswell whispers as she pulls off her scarf. "I...need to do this" Bucky nods a little.

"I'll go help Steve then" Bucky offers and then kisses her head. "You know where we are" he whispers to her and then walks away to leave Roswell with Wanda. Wanda looks exhausted. Emotionally drained. She knows she made a mistake. But she didn't see the other side, she couldn't work it out, and Natasha is her girlfriend, she automatically sided with her. Known her longer. And she should have given her own sister the benefit of the doubt. Roswell grabs a soda from the fridge as she waits for Wanda to start.

"I'm so sorry, Roswell" Wanda tells her as Roswell opens the soda. "I reacted" Roswell takes a deep breath and nods.

"I don't think that's enough" Roswell counters. "I think we should.....put some space between us" Roswell admits, Wanda stares at her and then shakes her head. "I think it's best..." Roswell adds as she takes a deep breath. She can't just forgive Wanda. Not with this. She knows she has forgiven Sam and Dean in the past but it had never been so embarrassing and personal before, Wanda meddled in her relationship because she....reacted. Wanda is her sister, her blood sister, that is supposed to mean something. "I can't do this with you" Roswell whispers. "Not if you can't trust me"

"I do" Wanda defends. "Of course I do"

"Then why didn't you just talk to me?" Roswell asks her. "Ask me about it....instead of telling everyone else....." Wanda looks down as she gets upset because she knows. She knows she should have done that. She should have gone to Roswell first.


Roswell doesn't go looking for Steve and Bucky after her conversation with Wanda, she just needs some time to think. To relax. To process. She hates the idea of blocking family from her life, but right now she can't trust Wanda. And she doesn't want to be around people she can't trust. So instead, she finds herself in Tony's workshop.

"How you doing, kiddo?" Tony asks her, she hums and looks at him as she takes a seat at the counter with him. "Yeah, sounds about right" he comments with a small smile. "Glad you're back though, and with the two supers, knew you guys had it in you" he nudges her and then goes back to his work. He doesn't mind if she is going to be staying here with him. If she needs the space. The quiet. "You want me to talk to the others?" Tony asks her without looking away from his work. "Those that.....sided against you" he elaborates. "Get them to stay away from you for now" she glances at him.

"Wasn't that many that sided with us" She mumbles, he looks at her now. "Some friends Steve and Bucky have here"

"Hey" he scolds slightly. "It was a weird situation...something like this....they were trying to, I don't know, be good friends, to you, to Steve....." she watches him a little. "I sided with you because I saw the way both those men looked at you, and...each other" She snorts a little. "Probably the same reason Thor, Sam, Bruce, and Pietro did....."

"Thank you" she tells him, he hums a little. "For trusting us"

"I'm not one to judge on what you get up to into the bedroom" he counters softly. "And yeah, you make them happy, that's all that matters"

"Look at you, all soft" he snorts and smirks at her.

"Yeah, well, I'm all loved up right now" Tony offers. "Wanna know something?" he whispers to her, she raises an eyebrow. "Gonna asks Pep to marry me" Roswell smiles warmly. "I know it's not been very long, but...I just wanted to do something to let her know that I am in this for keeps this time....."

"Tony" she breaths, he shrugs a little. Getting embarrassed by the whole love conversation.

"Don't you have some big boys to go and see?" he asks turning away from her.

"Pepper is very lucky" she whispers to him and then kisses his cheek before leaving. Tony smiles to himself.


Steve finds Roswell watering her plants, they haven't been looked after whilst she was away so she's just taking care of them. He takes a seat on her couch to watch her. Sometimes he forgets how much she loves her plants. She touches the leaves on one of the plants and takes a deep breath.

"Bucky told me what happened" He admits, she glances to him and then back to her plants. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really" she whispers. "I'm used to the whole...screwed up family thing. I told her I needed some space" Steve nods a little. "I think it's for the best"

"Yeah" he agrees a little. Whilst he knows Wanda hurt her, he knows how much she loves her family. All of them.

"Just for now" Roswell adds, Steve nods again. They both fall silent as they think on everything that's happened to them, on everything that's lead them here. Steve takes a deep breath. Now seems a good a time as ever.

"I think you should move in with me and Bucky" he tells her, she turns to him, the water from the can in her hand hitting the carpet below.

"What?" she asks him.

"Before all this you were practically living with us anyway.....it's more a formality" he stands and moves closer to her. "Just moving your stuff from here into there..." she looks back at her plants, he chuckles a little. "They can all come too" he assures her, she smiles and looks down. "They'll brighten the place up..." he touches the small of her back and rubs a little. "What do you say?" she looks at him.


Bucky lays on Roswell's side, his fingers thread with hers on his chest. On her other side, Steve sits with his back against the headboard, his sketch book open in his lap as he draws the two of them. There are boxes around the room. Left where they were brought in. Roswell had agreed to move in with them, and they had gotten distracted whilst helping her with her things. At this rate, it is going to take them forever to get her all moved in and comfortable. She sighs softly as she rolls onto her side and rests her head on Bucky's shoulder, he smiles at her. Steve's eyes softening at the sight of the two of them together. This is good. This is the best way this could have ended. Definitely better than her leaving them. Than them being alone and miserable.

"What are you smiling at?" Bucky asks Steve who shrugs a little and motions to Bucky and Roswell. Bucky smiles back at Steve and nods, understanding what he is trying to say. That he is smiling because he is happy. He's got his best friend. He's got a beautiful and wonderful woman. What does he have to be sad about now? Well, there is one thing. The threat to mutants. He knows that affects Roswell, as well as Pietro and Wanda. But they will deal with it. They have to. For their future with Roswell. Steve sets down his art supplies and leans over to kiss Roswell's cheek, she smiles warmly and turns her head to him. He gives her a soft look.

"I'm glad you agreed to this" he tells her, she nods a little. She is too. She is glad she agreed to return. To move in with them. To give them a chance. She loves them. Both of them. And they make her happy. After everything she and her family have been through, she needs happiness in her life. Steve settles against her back, his arm around her waist. Moving in can wait. It's not like she, or they, are going to change their minds about this.

"Are you sure you don't mind me taking up your space?" she asks them, Bucky shakes his head. Honestly, he doesn't have very many personal belongings. He has a few things he's picked up since moving into the compound but nothing special. At least with Roswell's things around he might actually start thinking of this place as home.

"We have plenty of space" Steve assures her. "And if we don't...we'll figure something else out"

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