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Pizza and beer. Roswell smiles. Steve knows her so well already. This is her perfect night. Good company, good food, good beer and a good western movie. There are two empty pizza boxes on the floor, empty beer bottles scattered. Steve has a blanket wrapped around them both, Roswell curled against his chest mouthing the words to the John Wayne film against his neck. He's never been a fan of the western genre but he'll watch every single one just to feel her lips on his skin and her fingers drawing patterns on his arm. It's the most comfortable he's ever been in his entire life. This beautiful woman resting against him. It's been 2 weeks. 2 weeks of affection. And sex. And romance. And a distant Bucky. She misses her friend. And she knows Steve does too. Steve draws his fingers along her arm just as Bucky walks into the apartment and looks to the two of them on the couch, Steve smiles friendly at his best friend.

"I urm...I'll leave you both to it" Bucky mumbles and then pretty much flees the room, Steve frowns watching him go as Roswell looks down, she has a feeling it's her.

"It's me" Roswell offers. "I've changed the dynamic" she sits up and looks to him. "I didn't want to get in the way..."

"You haven't" Steve argues. "He gets this way when he has to learn to share....it must be weird for him" Steve brushes her hair back. "We're both his friends....and suddenly spending less time with him" Roswell gives Steve a small smile.

"How about....you take tomorrow morning" she offers. "I take the afternoon and then we movie all night with him?" she asks, he smiles at her and pulls her closer, pulling her into his lap.

"That, right there, is part of why I...." he pauses a little, judging if it's too soon or not. She's been at the facility 4 months but they've only been official for 2 weeks, it's way too soon. "Like you" he finishes. She smirks a little and kisses him. And he knows she knew what he meant. And she's not running away from him. "I'll talk to him too, explain that we're still his friends too, but...that we need 'alone' time too" he nuzzles into her neck and slides his hand along her thigh. "Like now" he adds with a smirk, she slaps at his chest and laughs.

"You're insatiable" she scolds teasingly. "Who knew" he holds her closer as he turns off the tv and stands with her.


Steve smiles at Bucky who cautiously walks into the kitchen, he looks around for Roswell, but finds her missing.

"Just you and me" Steve tells him pouring out two coffees.

"Oh" Bucky states. "Where is she?" he asks.

"Working, but I'll see her tonight" Steve answers, Bucky makes a face and looks away. Steve studies his friend a moment before he gets it. "Oh my God" Steve states, Bucky looks to him and see realisation on his face. "You're jealous?" Bucky scoffs and shakes his head, a little too much.

"No" Bucky answers. "Nope"

"Buck" Steve whispers.

"It's not a big deal" Bucky argues.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Steve asks. "I would have been more...."

"Because" Bucky interrupts. "I'm not that guy any more...." he whispers. "I can't go up to a girl and....flirt. I can't...." Steve softens slightly. "It's your thing now and....you like her, right?"

"You know I do" Steve assures him. "I really like her"

"Good" Bucky whispers. "Then it's okay, it's not like you're just...." he nods a little. "It's not like it's just some sex fling thing, you like her and she likes you.....I'll get over myself, it's probably just a crush, you know, she's new, different....it'll pass"

Roswell (S. Rogers & B. Barnes)Where stories live. Discover now