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The rest of February flutters by, Roswell and Bucky remain friends, closer than before even, she and Steve are closer. And the next thing they know it's Bucky's birthday. And he doesn't want to get up. He wants to wallow in his bed until tomorrow. Unfortunately, the people around him aren't going to let that happen. Specifically Roswell. Who bounces into Bucky's room and flops down onto his bed next to him, he groans and pulls his blankets over his head. He wants to hide away from the world. They didn't celebrate his birthday last year, because he was still basically a head case and he didn't want to celebrate it. But this year is different. He has friends now. Family. A team. And he has Roswell. Well close enough anyway. He can feel her smiling at him now. But he still doesn't want to get up.

"Happy birthday, Bucky" she offers warmly, he peers out from his blankets to look at her. Her hair is bouncy this morning, in curls, he likes the curls. She smiles at him. He lifts the blankets and lets her snuggle in closer to him, his arm settling under her neck. He hums a little and closes his eyes again. She reaches up and touches his face, his breath fanning over her face as she traces his cheekbone. He relaxes under her touch. "I got you a cake" she teases, he peeks at her and raises an eyebrow at her. "Chocolate with raspberry filling topped with bits of honeycomb" she adds softly.

"From that place in Brooklyn?" he asks her, she nods. "You did?" he whispers softly watching her as her fingers move to his jaw. "What are you doing?" he asks, she lifts her eyes from her fingers and smirk.

"Your stubble is turning grey" she teases, he wrinkles his nose and grumbles before he squeezes her waist. "How old are you now?" she asks. "500?" he snorts.

"Very funny" he comments smiling at her, amusement in his eyes. "I feel it" he admits quietly. She cups both of his cheeks, gently brushing her thumb over the bones there. Eyes showing plenty of emotions. He searches her eyes before leaning closer, he brushes his lips against hers, soft, testing. She kisses him back. He catches himself. He stops himself from deepening it. He can pretend that it was friendly. He pulls back and brushes his lips over one another, tasting her on them. She ducks her head and he pulls her closer, letting her curl into his chest. And it feels right. Laying here with her in his arms. He closes his eyes and sighs softly.


Bucky pulls on his boots as Steve finishes his coffee. They're going out for a birthday breakfast, Bucky's kind of glad for the quiet, he's not sure he wants to celebrate his birthday with everyone. There are literally only two people he wants to see today, and he's seen them both already. He looks up seeing Roswell bounce down the stairs, he suddenly feels hopeful that she's going to come with them.

"You coming with us?" Bucky asks her, Roswell shakes her head.

"No" she answers and his heart aches a little. "I got some work to do.....Uncle Phil told me they have this new dig site in Scotland" she smirks. "As you can imagine I am very excited about this...but I'll see you tonight though," Roswell tells Bucky.

"Tonight?" Bucky asks, Roswell looks to Steve, he nods back and kisses her head. She then leaves glad she's not having to be the one to tell Bucky that Tony's planned a public party for him. Bucky looks at Steve. "What's happening tonight?"

"Don't....freak out" Steve starts, Bucky's eyes widen just slightly because that's what people say before they say something that they know will make someone freak out.

"Steve" he warns.

"Tony's throwing you a party" Steve admits, Bucky shakes his head.

"Steve" Bucky whines this time. "Do I have to?"

"Yes," Steve answers. "An hour tops, just like everyone else..." Bucky groans hanging his head. "Roswell will be there" Steve offers with a smirk. Bucky glances up. "She's really excited" Bucky worries his lip before sighing.

"Alright, an hour..." he agrees. "And only an hour"

"You still want breakfast?" Steve asks.

"Yeah, I do, I'm starving" Bucky complains grabbing his jacket and heading for the door, Steve looks thoughtful behind him.


Everyone knew that Bucky would be uncomfortable celebrating with everyone else, and would rather keep it between him and Steve, but they did all get him gifts, which he sits opening now. Steve lingers close by, working but watching just in case. Tony, of course, went with an inflatable zimmer frame, knives from Natasha, a book about old men from Clint, Wanda got him a sweater to replace the one he tore a few weeks before, Pietro got him a box set of western movies, Rhodey a gift card for TGI Friday's Bucky's newest obsession, there's a bottle of Asgardian mead from Thor, Sam's given him some reading glasses and a pipe, seriously with the old people stuff. Steve got him a new watch and a few....photos. The ones Steve took the night the three of them were together. And Roswell's gift. His fingers linger on the wrapping paper before he opens it, gentler this time, this one means more to him. It's a scrapbook or a photo album from the looks of it. The outside is simple in design. He opens it up and there on the first page, in Roswell's handwriting are the words: 'Sometimes I think you forget that you were a hero first'. He smiles a little and then opens the next page. A photo of him and the Howling Commandos, and Steve. He moves on to the next page, and the next, and the next. Page after page are clippings, photos, interviews all of them of him before the Winter Soldier. Before all the hurt and the killing. He sniffles a little because this is incredibly thoughtful and she's put some much time and work into this. Steve watches, leaning against the wall as Bucky touches the page and smiles fondly. There's a knock on the door and Steve moves to answer it. Tony walks in, box in hand.

"Morning" he greets with a smile before turning to Bucky who stands. "Happy 5 billionth birthday" he teases, Bucky rolls his eyes a little. Tony holds out the box in his hand. Bucky raises an eyebrow. "You didn't really think the zimmer frame was it, did you?" he teases, Bucky takes the box and then opens it. Inside is a brand new, state of the art arm in black and gold. Bucky looks to Tony who smirks and nods. "We'll get it all fixed up tomorrow, alright?" Bucky nods.

"Thanks" he offers, Tony shrugs and then walks away, shutting the door behind him as he goes. Bucky turns back to Steve who smiles.

"I know you were worried about them all..." Steve starts. "When you first moved in here but I think things are starting to work out now..." Bucky nods in agreement. "Maybe now you can think about dating" Bucky looks sharply to Steve. Both of them sharing a look, something passing between them.

"Dating?" Bucky asks, Steve nods. "I don't know" Bucky mumbles looking down, snapping shut the box lid and setting it aside. "I mean, missions are one thing, but....but I don't....bringing...no" Bucky shakes his head. "I don't want to talk about this..." he adds.

"Alright" Steve assures him holding up his hands.

Roswell (S. Rogers & B. Barnes)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang