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Tony, Steve, Bucky, Natasha and the twins stand with Roswell still as Constantine rests on the couch drunk, he's humming God Save The Queen. Tony turns to Roswell who watches Constantine.

"Who's Faye?" Tony asks, Roswell sighs and looks to him.

"I am" she answers. "Roswell's not really my real name, it's just one I picked" she shrugs. "My...birth name is Faye Mya Constantine-Lehnsherr" she looks to Constantine. "Roswell is the town where my family was killed" she admits. "I changed my name to try and....to I don't know, give it a better memory, to remember them....then it became a nickname, and stuck...John's the only one that calls me Faye any more" she motions to Constantine. "Probably the only one left that even knows my birth name" she ruffles John's hair and he looks to her, he smiles.

"Faye" Constantine mumbles taking her hand. She looks to him sadly.

"Why are you here?" she asks him, Constantine pulls a face a little.

"It's Christmas" he comments. She shoots him a look. "It's been a while" he admits. "I mean that last time we saw one another you and those boys were dealing with the whole Lucifer thing and..."

"Shhhh" Roswell covers his mouth. "Shut up" she scolds, Constantine's eyes flicker to hers and she gives him a look. He nods a little and Roswell pulls her hand back. "We don't talk about Lucifer" she warns, he nods a little. She sighs and grabs his wrist. "Come on, you can sleep this off in my spare room" she pulls him up. Constantine throws his arm over her shoulder and lets her help him stumble out the room, Roswell looks to Steve apologetically, he smiles softly and nods.

"Lucifer" Tony mumbles. "Weird name" Steve looks to Tony. "Ex?" he asks looking to Steve who shrugs.

"We haven't talked about that stuff yet"

"Oooo fun" Tony teases and pats his shoulder.


Roswell closes the guest bedroom door behind her, she sighs a little and pulls her hair out of her ponytail. She heads back downstairs.


Steve pours them both a drink as Roswell comes down the stairs. She smiles seeing him as he sits on her couch with his own drink.

"Steve" she breaths softly.

"Figured you could use this" he hands her the drink as she drops down next to him, curling into his side she takes the glass from him.

"You upset about the whole...name thing?" she asks him, Steve rests his arm around the back of the couch, his fingers playing with her hair.

"Course not, honey" he answers softly. "Bucky's real name isn't Bucky" he offers. "It's not a big deal, and...I understand why Roswell" he kisses her head, she takes a drink and pulls her legs up under her, getting comfy in his side. She smiles and then looks to him as he closes his eyes, content and comfy with her, she smirks and leans up slightly to kiss his cheek.

"Merry Christmas, Steve" she whispers in his ear. He smiles and hugs her back tightly.

"Merry Christmas, Faye" he tells her, she smacks his chest as he chuckles. "I rather like it" he admits taking her hand and kissing her palm and then pulls her closer, onto his lap, she sets her drink down and wraps her arms around his neck, his wrapping around her waist.

"Can we exchange gifts now?" she asks him, he chuckles and nods.

"Yes, course we can" she pulls back, jumping up from his lap and moving to grab the gift boxes under her tree, Steve reaches under the couch to pull out a long gift box. She bounces over to him and sits at his side. She sets her gift box in his lap and he smiles setting hers in her lap. "Together?" he asks, she nods and looks to her own gift, both of them opening them at the same time. He unwraps the gift and opens the box smiling a little seeing his gift.

Roswell (S. Rogers & B. Barnes)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat