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Steve taps his digital pen against the desk as he thinks. He should be working, he should be reading and writing reports but his mind is elsewhere. The gift Roswell gave to Bucky was something more thoughtful then he thought it was going to be. She'd talked to him. Asked him questions but he never thought that she'd go to those lengths for Bucky. He knows. He knows Bucky loves her. They've talked about it, sure Bucky claimed it was a crush but it's way more than that and Steve knows. But he loves Roswell too and he doesn't want to lose her. But that gift made him realize that Roswell may like Bucky more than as a friend. Maybe. Steve sighs and sets the pen down and turns to the computer holographic keyboard. Ready to research options. It's stupid but who's he gonna ask without sounding like a crazy fool for even considering sharing his girlfriend with his best friend. He pauses when the office door opens and Tony walks in.

"You get the Denario memo?" Tony asks, Steve nods moving his hands back from the keyboard.

"Yeah, I was just writing up my thoughts" Steve answers. "You really think he's got his fingers in this?"

"Heavy weaponry traffic" Tony points out. "Not just normal weaponry, he's dealing in heavy duty scientific weapons, what other reason than to go after mutants?" Steve nods a little, it makes sense. They both fall silent as Tony types up notes on his phone.

"Can I ask you something?" Steve asks turning his chair slightly as Tony sits on his couch.

"Sure" Tony answers leaning back. "What's up?"

"Would you ever share Pepper?" Steve asks, Tony raises an eyebrow and leans forward again.

"What are you talking about?"

"Say...Rhodey was in love with her, and she...." Steve looks away and looks out the window. "Had feelings for him too....would you share?" Tony frowns at him before realization crosses his features.

"Oh my god," he stands. "Bucky and Roswell?" He asks. "Are you saying that they're...." he motions with his hands and makes kissing sounds.

"No" Steve argues. "No, I'm not saying anything....neither would ever...."

"No, but you're thinking about letting them" Tony counters. "The three of you?"

"Maybe" Steve admits. Tony stands and moves to the desk.

"Why?" Tony asks him.

"Because...." Steve starts to answer and then sighs. "He's my best friend and I want him to be happy, and I love her....."

"Look" Tony lets out a breath. "You and Bucky aren't...exactly conventional men. You can't go on Tinder, or Grinder, or Eharmony and find a girlfriend....or a boyfriend" Steve looks confused, Tony shakes his head. "Doesn't matter" Tony waves it off. "Roswell is...unique and yes, she is something special and she understands the harshness of this job, much like Pepper does, finding another woman for Bucky that understands that may be difficult, but considering entering a poly relationship just so he has someone..."

"He cares about her" Steve counters. "And she cares about him....it's not because finding him his own girlfriend would be difficult. She understands him, his issues and the demand of this job....just as she does with me...you're right, she is special....and maybe this can work...."

"And you'd be happy knowing he's touching her....making love to her?" Steve takes a breath and thinks on it a moment, it doesn't upset him, that thought. He supposes it should. But Roswell and Bucky are the most important people in his life. He wants them both to be happy.

"Yes," Steve answers Tony. "Because I know he loves her and it's not just....." Tony raises an eyebrow.

"Not just?" Tony pushes, Steve sighs.

"Sex" he answers through his teeth. "It wouldn't be just sex to them...." Tony stares at Steve a moment, the cogs turning in his head before he speaks again.

"No, I wouldn't" Tony answers Steve's first question. "I couldn't share Pepper, even with Rhodey...maybe I am more self-conscious than you because me and Pepper, we've...not exactly had it easy" he admits. "Well, I'mma walk out that door and forget we had this conversation" Tony counters. "You do what you want....just don't blame me if it goes tits up" He closes the door behind him and Steve sighs running his fingers through his hair, he turns back to his computer and types in 'poly' relationships to research. Nothing might come of it. He's not even sure this is 100% what he wants to do. He loves Roswell. He really, really does. More so than anyone before, even Peggy. And Bucky is his best friend, and all he wants is for him to be safe and happy, he knows Roswell can give him that because Steve feels that way with her. He sighs and shakes his head. Maybe he's being ridiculous about this. Maybe this would be asking too much of her.


Bucky is fast asleep on the couch, his metal fingers thread through Roswell's hair, her head rests in his lap as she herself sleeps soundly, Bucky's flesh hand is tangled in her hand, it's peaceful, sweet...Steve smiles warmly watching them both as he toes off his boots before he moves towards them both, crouching in front of Roswell.

"Hey, honey" Steve coos to wake Roswell, his fingers brushing back over her cheek.

"Hey, Baby" Bucky teases back, Steve snorts and shoots him a look. Bucky rubs at his eyes and lets out a breath. "What time is it?"

"1 am" Steve answers standing up straight, Bucky raises an eyebrow. "I got caught up with a report" Steve offers as he lifts Roswell from Bucky's lap, she groans and turns to cling to Steve. "How was it?" he asks nodding to the tv.

"So good" Bucky states dryly. "I don't remember it, must have fallen asleep early on" he stretches and then stands. "She missed you" He admits nodding to Roswell.

"It couldn't wait" Steve offers.

"Got a lead?" Bucky asks, Steve nods.

"Maybe...." He mumbles, still not sure about Denario yet. Tony may think he's the link to the Anit-Mutant group but Steve....he thinks they've missed something. He shakes his head. "I'm going to take her to bed" he adds. Bucky nods a little, eyes lingering on Roswell before Steve carries her away from him. Bucky sighs and runs his fingers through his hair.

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