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Roswell finishes up her mornings work, she has the afternoon off to go with Steve to Ben's school. Steve actually seems rather excited about it, it's been a while since he's done a just him public appearance, after all the fighting and the lies most of them felt better sticking to the shadow, letting Stark take all the press conferences and stuff, they only go out as a group for parties and events now. Showing a united front and all that. There is a steady knock on her office door and she takes a breath. She knows it's Steve, he's the only one that knocks still.

"Come in" she shouts, Steve pushes open the door. "Just give me two seconds I'm almost finished...."

"No rush" Steve offers and shuffle his feet slightly, he's nervous, she didn't think he would be. She hurries to get through the last of her work so she can join him.

"Okay, done" she closes the computer down after saving her work.

"What do you think?" Steve asks Roswell who looks up from her desk, she smirks and shakes her head. "What?" he asks. "I went with Classic Cap, the SSR Field one" she stands from her computer and moves towards him. "I thought the kids might recognise this suit more then the others" he explains, now slightly nervous, she loves that, she loves that he can go from dominate, sexy, confident Steve to nervous puppy dog Steve in almost an instant. She loves that about him. "You think I should wear a different one? The stealth one?" he asks her when she still hasn't said anything. "Maybe the current one" he mumbles.

"No" she answers touching his chest. "This is perfect" she looks up at him and smiles. "Thank you for doing this" she offers.

"Are you kidding?" he asks softly. "I'd do anything for you" he kisses her pulling her closer.

"Don't be ridiculous" she scolds, he frowns and takes her wrist pulling her back to him as she backs away.

"What's that face for?" he asks her, she raises an eyebrow.

"What face?" she asks.

"That one" he pokes her nose, she sighs and shakes her head. "Tell me" he pushes slightly. She grabs her jacket and bag and turns back to him.

"I just I don't like that phrase" she admits. "I'd do anything for you" she repeats. "Anything is....it's a lie, I know you don't mean it to be...but it is" he frowns at her.

"Roswell, honey, I would do..." he starts.

"Really?" she interrupts him. "So...you'd kill for me?" she asks him, Steve watches her, realising. "Or hurt Bucky? You'd salute and Hail Hydra for me?" she continues to ask of him. "See" she offers. "Even if you don't mean it to be, and I know that, when you say anything it is a lie, an unintentional lie but a lie none the less" he nods and kisses her forehead.

"Not anything then" he corrects. "But I'd do a lot of things for you" he offers instead, she smiles a little and rolls her eyes.

"Let's go" she takes his hand and pulls him along with her, he watches her warmly.


Steve and Roswell walk together through the corridor of Ben's school. Steve's perked up a little, holding her hand as he checks out all the displays that they pass.

"Do you know how long it's been since I was in a school?" Steve asks looking around, Roswell hums a little in question. "Not since the 40's" Steve admits. "Not much has changed" she shrugs and looks to him.

"Funding" she offers.

"Maybe I can talk to Stark" Steve starts.

"Do you know how much money it would take to get schools up to decent standard, not even Tony has that much money" she warns as they turn a corner and find Ben waiting for them. The young boy turns, his eyes finding the two of them.

"You made it" Ben states with a smile.

"I told you we would" Roswell counters and then turns to Steve. "Steve, this is Ben Braeden" Roswell offers, Steve holds out his hand to Ben who takes it.

"Nice to meet you, Ben"

"And you, sir, Captain" Ben offers.

"Steve" Steve corrects softly. "Steve will be fine"

"This is so cool" Ben comments leading them to his classroom. "Everyone else bought in pets or signed stuff....But you actually came" Ben looks to Steve. "I can't believe you actually came.....When Roswell said she knew you I was like; Yeah okay, sure...she knows superheroes...but here you are" Roswell smiles listening to him as Steve chuckles.

"Here I am" Steve agrees. Ben opens the classroom door and smiles before heading in first, Steve turns to Roswell.

"What?" she asks him.

"He's a sweet kid" Steve comments brushing the backs of his fingers over her cheek before following Ben into the classroom, Roswell behind him, she'll linger at the back of the class till it's over, there for moral support, both for Steve and for Ben.


The kids love Steve, hard for them not to, he's patient with them, answering their questions the best he can without getting too graphic. And in the end the teacher asked if he would talk to more classes, gathering them all together in the library, a treat, whilst he's there, how can Steve say no? He retells his stories for them again, and then lets them ask questions, most ask about the other Avengers, some about Bucky, and he answers them as best as he can without giving too much away. A boy holds his hand up and Steve nods for him to ask his question, he sits up straighter in his seat.

"Who's your friend?" The boy asks pointing to Roswell. "Is she an Avenger too?"

"That's Roswell" Steve answers. "And no, no, she's not an Avenger"

"Is she your girlfriend?" One of the other kids asks, Steve glances to Roswell who blushes looking down.

"She is" Steve admits.

"Do you love her?" a girl asks completely seriously, Steve smiles and nods.

"I do, very much so"

"Are you going to get married?" the girl counter asks, Steve pauses slightly.

"Well...I urm" he struggles looking to Roswell for help, she just raises an eyebrow back. "It's a little soon" Steve admits looking back to the girl. "Maybe" he settles on. Roswell smiles a little watching Steve get flustered. The teacher steps in to save him then.

"Unfortunately that is all Captain America has time for, as we need to get you guys ready to go home" Steve looks to him grateful. "What do we say?" the teacher asks.

"Thank you, Captain" the room responds. Steve smiles back at them.

"Thank you" he counters. "You guys were amazing" he comments and then turns to greet Roswell as she moves to the library door, they share a look and she heads out first followed by Steve, he rubs the back of his neck closing the door behind him. "You mad at me?" he asks following her away pulling his mask off.

"Of course not" she answer softly. "Why would I be?" she asks him, he brushes his fingers through his hair and shrugs.

"Kind of just announced to an entire class of children that you were my girlfriend" he mumbles, she chuckles and turns to him.

"It was adorable" she comments. "You were amazing with them"

"About the whole...marry thing" he starts, she touches his arm.

"There was no right answer" she assures him. "And you're right, it is early.....we'll come back to it at a later date" she kisses him softly and then walks away, Steve smiles and nods to himself before following her.

"Later date" he states. "Implies you think we've got a future" he points out, she glances to him.

"Wouldn't be with you if I didn't" she counters warmly. They share a look, Steve wraps his arm around her from behind her and lifts her up, she squeals a little laughing. 

Roswell (S. Rogers & B. Barnes)Where stories live. Discover now