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Steve smirks amused watching RoSwell who is currently laying her top half over the hood of her new Jeep, eyes closed, smile on her face. Even like this she looks beautiful, peaceful and truly happy.

"I've never had my own car before" she whispers as Steve approaches her. His shoes echoing in the underground parking lot. She leans up and looks to him. He's dressed up, really dressed up. A black suit complete with tie and waistcoat. He looks incredible. And she feels under dressed. She brushes her hand over the skirt of her dress.

"You've not covered up" he points out, she nods a little and looks up at him.

"Someone told me that I didn't have to be ashamed of them" she offers back.

"Sounds like a very wise man" Steve offers back, a soft, proud smile on his lips, a crinkle to his eyes. It's cute on him. Actually is down right hot on him. He takes her hand and brushes his thumb over one of the scar lines. "You're still beautiful" he assures her, she blushes and looks down.

"You think I'm beautiful?" she asks him. He chuckles a little.

"Honey, I think everyone who looks at you sees it" he argues a little, she lifts her head to look up at him. "It's not just the way you look, not just your brown doe eyes or your red hair or how perfect your skin is" her blush starts to spread to her neck, no one has ever said anything like this to her before. "It's the way you laugh and the way you smile and the way you make people feel, it's the way you walk with this...bounce, the way you concentrate so hard on everything you work on, you give everything 100%, the way your nose wrinkles when you're reading or..." he stops and starts blushing himself, he clears his throat and rubs the back of his neck. "The way you make people say things they wouldn't normally admit to" he whispers a little. "I shouldn't have said that" he argues.

"Thank you" she offers, he looks back to her, tears gathering in her eyes. "No ones ever said anything like that about me before" she admits sadly.

"Really?" he asks her, amazed that someone has never pointed out the obvious to her.

"Yeah" she whispers a little. He squeezes her hand softly. Bucky wanders into the garage, his suit is more grey then black, and he wears a black glove over his metal hand.

"Do I have to wear this stupid thing?" Bucky grumbles tugging at the tie around his neck, he hates it, he hates the way it presses against his throat. He stops seeing Roswell, his eyes actually scan over her, the heels the tights, the dress, even that ugly necklace around her neck, she looks beautiful. Then his eyes find her left arm, to the five zagged scratches that run from her shoulder to the tips of her fingers.

"Buck" Steve warns slightly as Roswell grows uncomfortable under Bucky's eyes. But it's not pity in his eyes, it's something like pure rage. And Steve is worried he's about to have an episode. Thankfully Roswell has yet to see that side of Bucky. And this is the longest he's gone without the Winter Soldier coming out. But Steve's been expecting it. For something to set Bucky off. Bucky lifts his eyes from Roswell's scars. His face softening. No sign of the Winter Soldier. Steve relaxes a little and pats Bucky's shoulder.

"Here" Roswell reaches across and adjusts Bucky's tie slightly, giving him a little more room. "Try that" she offers warmly, he smiles.

"Thank you" he whispers, it already feels better, his throat less constricted. "You look" he starts and looks over her, she shifts slightly. "You look incredible" he finishes.

"Doesn't she" Steve agrees, Roswell blushes again and presses the back of her hand to her cheek, she's pretty sure she's actually on fire right now.

"Are you two ruining my hard work?" Natasha scolds approaching them, a soft smile on her lips as she pulls Roswell's hand from her face. "Don't hide, Sestra" she teases a little. The Sestra nickname had come about when Roswell and Natasha had gone shopping and an Avenger fan had asked Roswell if she was Natasha's sister. The Russian had laughed and told the fan that she wished she had a Sestra like Roswell. And the nickname stuck. Everyone else has their own nicknames for her too. Tony calls her Kid and Ariel, the twins and Peter call her Roz, Clint calls her Robin (After the red feathered bird), Rhodey calls her Sprinkles (on a count that he caught her eating ice cream with sprinkles, once, the name has now stuck). The only people that still use her name are Steve, Bucky, Wilson, Thor and Bruce. And Vision and FRIDAY call her Miss Winchester. She enjoys it. Dean and Sam called her Roz, and Dean occasionally called her Pommy, usually when she does something to annoy him, or tease him. She likes the new nicknames. Natasha then looks over the Jeep. "Nice" she teases and then knocks on the metal framework. "Ooo bullet proof" she teases, Roswell frowns.

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