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Steve leans against the kitchen counter with a mug of coffee whilst he watches Roswell, she and Bucky are sat in front of him, she's pulling Bucky's hair up to wrap a band around it, a slice of toast hanging between her lips, there's even jam on her cheek. But he still thinks she's beautiful. And the way she is with Bucky. Steve's dated a few times since coming out of the ice, mostly since he got Bucky back, but they've all be terrified of him, Roswell isn't, at all, she's never shown any form of fear around Bucky. And Roswell is the first outsider Bucky's liked too. Bucky laughs at something Steve missed, but that laugh, Bucky's not laughed like that since the 40's. Steve smiles warmly as Roswell starts blushing, Steve's now sorry he missed whatever passed between the two. Roswell finished Bucky's hair and then pulls the toast from her lips, she kisses Bucky's cheek and stands. This last couple of weeks, since her birthday, Roswell seems to have opened up a bit more, she talks about herself more then before, lets herself get more involved with everyone else. She and Bruce do yoga every morning on the roof. She and Wilson watch western movies together every Wednesday night. She and Rhodey go out for ice cream every Sunday. She listens to Thor tell her stories of Asgard and his people. She helps Peter with his college work. She and Tony even spend time together, yet no one knows what they actually do. But she's more involved, she even helps patch them up if hurt after missions, which she's proven very capable of. Steve is brought out of his thoughts as Roswell grabs her coffee from the counter.

"I have to go to work" she tells them, Bucky pouts at her, she pouts back and then chuckles before turning to leave.

"Roswell" Steve stops her and motions with his finger for her to come to him, she raises an eyebrow and steps towards him. Steve rubs his thumb over her cheek to remove the jam. "Jam" he points out and then sucks on his thumb. She just kind of stares at him. Her eyes wide. Bucky raises an eyebrow looking between them. Steve smiles completely innocently at Roswell who blinks a little. "You have work" Steve reminds her. She nods.

"Right....work" she mumbles and then hurries off to hide her blush, Steve chuckles a little.

"You're so mean" Bucky grumbles with a smirk. Steve leans on the counter as Bucky steals Roswell's toast that she left behind.

"I'm going to ask her out" Steve tells Bucky, who's smile falters for a few seconds before it is back in place.

"Oh?" Bucky asks. Steve nods with his own smile.

"Yeah" Steve answers.

"Like to...date her?" Bucky asks, Steve nods and looks to his friend.

"You're not worried because of what happened with the others, are you?" he asks. "Cause....I waited, you like Roswell"

"I do like her" Bucky agrees. "And I'm not worried"

"Then what is it?" Steve asks, Bucky shrugs.

"Just...she's not been here that long" Bucky mumbles.

"More then a month" Steve points out. Bucky bites into the toast. "You don't approve?" Steve asks, Bucky shrugs a little.

"It's not that" he mumbles around the toast. "It's just...." Bucky shakes his head. "It's just my paranoia" he lies. It's not his paranoia. It's the green eyed monster, and he does not mean the Hulk. He does like Roswell. Probably more then Steve thinks Bucky likes her. But Steve is the better man here. Bucky takes a breath and looks up at Steve. "She's great, Steve, I'm just being ridiculous" Bucky offers. Steve eyes him a moment before nodding.


Tony is following Roswell around her office as she tries to work. He's annoying her already. And asking for her blood. She's already typed a message to Phil about it, and he replied for her to keep telling Tony no. So here Tony is, pleading with her to let him take her blood.

Roswell (S. Rogers & B. Barnes)Where stories live. Discover now