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Steve sits with Roswell, Bucky had walked into the apartment moments earlier and caught them in a compromising position. Steve kisses Roswell's cheek and then leans up.

"Hey, Buck" Steve greets pulling his hand from under her skirt, Roswell looks to Bucky who immediately starts blushing.

"Sorry" he is quick to tell them. "I urm..."

"We're all adults" Roswell points out standing. "I'm gonna shower" she looks to Steve heatedly before walking away, Steve smirks watching her, he turns to Bucky who is glaring at him.

"Seriously?" Bucky asks as Steve stands and moves closer to him.

"I honestly thought you would be out longer" Steve tells him. "No harm, no foul...." He pats Bucky's shoulder, Bucky shoves that hand off of him.

"I know where it's been" Bucky points out. Steve shrugs and then sucks on his fingers. Bucky watches him a moment before pushing past him. "Stop it" Bucky scolds, Steve chuckles a little removing his fingers.

"It's kind of fun winding you up" Steve admits.

"I know the game you're playing" Bucky adds walking away from his best friend.

"What game is that?" Steve asks following him.

"You're trying to get me to say yes" Bucky answers. "To your little....Valentine's day thing" Steve shrugs a little. "Thrusting your girlfriend in my face" Bucky motions to the couch. "You know what....I don't know whether I like this you" Bucky points out. "This...this" he just hisses his repeat. "I mean when did you get this...sexual?"

"I've always been this way, I mean it heightened with the serum...but I just feel comfortable with it now" Steve admits. "With her..." he nods towards the stairs. "It's not the 40's any more" Steve adds. "We don't have to be quiet about what we want...You're my best friend, Buck" Steve tells him. "And we talked about this before"

"Yes, before....when we were, you know, stupid" Bucky offers trying not to smirk. Yes, they'd talked about it way back when, but it was a situation that would involve Bucky teaching Steve, but clearly Steve does not need to be taught anything any more. This would be about the two of them enjoying one woman. Steve pats his shoulder again and then heads upstairs to join Roswell, Bucky sighs a little. He wants to so bad that it aches. He lays awake staring at the ceiling and imagines what it would be like. He and Steve with her. He thinks about it. More often then not. He wants to. But admitting it aloud. Even with the changing times, and everything Hydra did to him, he's not even sure he can be trusted to be that close to her. He drops onto the couch and then cringes jumping up again. "So gross" he comments walking away.


Roswell walks into the living room to find all Avengers gathered watching the news on the tv. She raises an eyebrow at them all.

"What's going on?" She asks, Steve pats the space next to him.

"So news is spreading that Captain America has a girlfriend" Tony teases as Steve wraps his arm around Roswell as she joins them, Tony nods to the tv which shows the running news story and a clip from the school visit earlier in the day of the two of them stood too close to be friends, Steve's eyes all loved up watching her. Roswell sighs a little.

"Great" she comments flatly.

"It's not that bad" Bucky points out motioning to the screen.

"For him" Roswell motions to Steve. "He's the nations sweetheart, he can't do no wrong. I'm a nobody, just some girl that works at SHIELD"

"Hey" Steve frowns at her. "That's not true"

"But it is" She argues. "You really think your fans are gonna be happy you're dating at all, let alone some unknown?" she groans and crosses her arms over her chest defensively.

"As much as I hate the idea of you being in the public eye, it's not that bad" Steve tells her.

"When me and Wanda became official we did a tv spot thing, like an interview" Natasha offers, Roswell glances to her. "Lets the world get to know you....fans send in question, they're vetted and then asked, yeah there are some hard ones but it's suppose to give them a broad view of you"

"Doesn't sound so bad" Steve offers Roswell, she shakes her head.

"No" she argues.

"Why not?" Bucky asks her.

"Because I'm not like you guys, okay? My life is not for public consumption" Roswell stands and walks out of the room. Steve sighs a little and looks to the others.

"Told you" he points out. "Told you she would hate the attention" Steve adds.

"This is a good idea" Tony counters. "With her training, with her powers...."

"I don't think she wants that" Steve argues. "She wanted to learn to fight to defend herself, and she's happy enough with things the way they are...."

"You could at least ask her" Wanda states.

"You're her sister, you do it" Bucky stands up for Steve.

"If Dean finds out it was me who talked her into it, he'll kill me" Wanda counters. "Steve's the boyfriend, if they tank he doesn't have to deal with the aftermath of all of this" Steve snorts.

"Way to have faith in your sister and your friends relationship" Steve offers.

"Hey, I am rooting for you" Wanda assures him. "You're great together....perfect even and I have every faith that one day there will be little redheaded blue eyed super magnetic babies running around"

"Redheaded blue eyed super magnetic babies?" Tony asks amused as Steve looks down a little rubbing his head. They'd talked to him about Roswell becoming an Avenger herself and he told them that she wouldn't want the attention that came with it. So when the news broke with the footage of him and Roswell at the school he knew how she would react, and he showed them that she wouldn't take the Avenger press attention. He'll ignore the child comment as well. They haven't been going out long enough for that. 


Roswell (S. Rogers & B. Barnes)Where stories live. Discover now