27 | i like you

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" this must be crazy love,
this must be crazy love "

" this must be crazy love, this must be crazy love "

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"...alright, class! now that you have finished with your discussions, i'd like you to face the front and pay attention to students junghwan and yeseo, who will be sharing with us their answers." miss lee announced. "come up to the front, you two!"

yeseo glanced at junghwan before standing up and walking to the front. junghwan followed her and stood next to her, facing the class.

eunkyul bit her lip nervously, hoping nothing awkward will happen, while the boys exchanged brief glances.

"um, so...firstly, we have human rights, which is something every human is entitled to." yeseo began with a shaky voice before turning to junghwan, motioning him to continue.

"er, the rights to practice are human dignity, values and happiness. we later also learn about further stuff like political rights and right of claim..." junghwan continued and turned to miss lee. "...yeah, that's all that we have."

miss lee nodded in approval and clapped, with the rest of the students joining in to applaud for them.

"they make a cute couple." eunkyul heard serim whisper to heejung.

"so junghwan liked her all along but then byeol came into the picture so he had no choice. i'm pretty sure things are awkward between them now because of that. just look at how uncomfortable they are standing together." heejung pointed out. "it doesn't help that yeseo is so fucking dense."

eunkyul furrowed her eyebrows. what did they mean by he had no choice? before she could think more, miss lee had proceeded on with lessons.

after school, yeseo was walking towards the school gate when she felt someone grab her arm. she turned around and almost gasped out loud. it was junghwan.

"yeseo, i don't know why you keep avoiding me but i just want to let you know that i really missed you, a lot." he told her, his grip still remaining firm.

she looked around nervously, trying to avoid eye contact with him. her heart was beating so fast and loudly she thought he could hear it.

"l-let go of me." she begged and tried to pull away from him.

"why do you keep running away from me?" he asked softly.

keeping quiet, yeseo wished she could just dig a hole and bury herself in it. where was eunkyul when she needed her?

fortunately, junghwan slowly let go of her and yeseo could rush out of the school gate. he sighed as he watched her leave. once she was gone, the boys and eunkyul came walking towards him.

going crazy | so junghwanWhere stories live. Discover now