11 | get cool

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" i did not even see that
you and i are having a party "

" i did not even see that you and i are having a party "

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"...what? you're leaving our group?" eunkyul spluttered in disbelief as yeseo looked at the ground guiltily.

the seven of them were seated together at the school garden. eunkyul sighed loudly and put her hands on her hips angrily.

"look, we've already confirmed the groupings a while ago. you can't just ditch on us like that!" she spat.

yeseo fiddled with her fingers. she didn't expect that eunkyul would be so angry about it.

"look, it's just for this event okay? i—"

"no, i've heard enough. you've been hanging out with byeol a lot lately and you seem a lot happier to be with her than me." eunkyul cut her off and sniffed.

"that's not true! and why are you being such a crybaby? you're a senior not a child!" yeseo bursted out.

eunkyul wiped her tears and shook her head furiously before storming off, passing her. yeseo turned back and sighed loudly.

jongseob made an irritated grunt and stood up.

"yeseo, i don't have anything against you but, that was really mean." he said to her sternly and walked off.

"not cool, sis. not cool." junhyuk mocked with his fluent english before following jongseob.

yeongue bit his lip and went up to yeseo. he patted her shoulder and smiled weakly.

"i hope you'll be happy there." he told her sincerely before leaving.

inhong followed behind and motioned to junghwan to go as well.

"you go ahead first, i wanna talk to yeseo for a while." he said.

inhong nodded and walked off. he turned to face yeseo, who looked really confused and upset.

"yeseo, i don't know what happened to you. you used to be so against people like byeol because of how they judge people, how she she judged you. and all of a sudden, she's acting so nice towards you and buying you stuff. do you really think it's sincere? i'm telling you, people like her are nothing but trouble. you really should stay away from her, please?"

she looked at junghwan in the eye. and she thought he would be supportive of her!

"well, good friends my sweet patootie. you're not being supportive of me at all! i guess i was wrong about you, so junghwan." she snarled.

dumbfounded by her sentence, he stood there with his mouth open, but no words could come out. he felt sad and hurt, also disappointed in yeseo.

"fine, do whatever you want. i won't care anymore."

going crazy | so junghwanWhere stories live. Discover now