9 | lies

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" this must be crazy love,
this must be crazy love "

yeseo blinked her eyes, staring at him with evident confusion

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yeseo blinked her eyes, staring at him with evident confusion.


junghwan realized what he had just said to her and felt like digging his own grave at that very moment or just run away from this earth.

"uh...i meant, like me on sns! that's right, sns...ha-ha...you know? instagram, naver, kakaotalk...i recently downloaded instagram and...i need more likes, you know...? ha-ha..." he mumbled, trying to sound as natural as possible.

she narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously before smirking.

"ahh, i get it. you're one of those wannabes that want to become famous influencers and whatnot, right?" yeseo guessed and bursted out laughing, scaring junghwan a little at her sudden change of mood.

"w-what? n-no, i meant—"

"you're funny, so junghwan. i'm here disappointed and angry at myself for playing with my own feelings and there you are promoting your social media accounts for me. it's heartless of you but very entertaining. thanks a lot!"

junghwan became speechless. he didn't know if she was being sarcastic or not. then, he realized what sort of a person he had just created for himself to be in her eyes and knew he was in a mess.

"i'll be heading off now. see you at school tomorrow!" she said and waved goodbye.

he waved back and sighed loudly. what did he just do? he was being too desperate, but obviously he had to. of all people, yeseo chose to have a crush on someone she had only met online. wouldn't it be more realistic to choose someone she knew personally and saw often, almost everyday?


as yeseo returned home with a dull mood, yebin was there to make things a little worse for her.

"got rejected, huh?" she teased.

"shut up." yeseo spat and walked past her to the staircase.

"by the way, yoonbin's here."

yeseo turned around, surprised.

"what for?"

"music stuff, science nerds like you wouldn't get it."

angered, yeseo was about to curse at her sister before yoonbin appeared at the living room.

"dude, you're being way too mean to her. what's up, yeseo?" he called.

going crazy | so junghwanМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя