Ch 59

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Now what??

My mind was racing.

"Help!" I yelled, hoping someone would hear. But nothing.

I came out of my stall and attempted to get into his. The door wasn't even locked.

Shit shit shit.

Was he, taking drugs? Probably, yes. I mean, definitely, yes. But this was not part of the plan.

"You said it was under control," I muttered helplessly under my breath to him, kneeling down beside him.

There were sirens in my mind now.

I pick up my phone, but in an attempt to make a call I realized there was no service there. Of course, why would there be. We were in some basement.

I ran out back to where the girl stamped my wrist and finding the bouncer all I had to really do was mention Haden's name and passed out.

He went inside to check on him, at which point there was a sizeable crowd around the bathroom.

Someone passed out. But it wasn't someone, it was Haden Rand.

People were taking videos.

The bouncer was a huge guy and he cleared everyone out soon enough.

"I'm his girlfriend," I pleaded with him. I didn't care what I was or wasn't, but I needed to stay with him.

"You can stay," he told me.

He checked his pulse and looked at his face.

"He's fine, probably just an OD," he told me sternly, as if this was somehow my fault too, and yet tryng to calm me down too.

He tried to get him to wake up, or whatever. Kinda slapping his face.

Haden then moved his head sided to side and we froze, thinking maybe it was going to be fine. This was all just one big mix up.

Except it wasn't and it was real.

He then passed out full on again this time.

The bouncer used a literal walkie talkie to talk to someone.

Then he picked him up like he was a baby and carried him out front.

When we came out, the dancefloor was already practically cleared.

This was a crisis.

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