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I guess it wasn't meant to be, because then I realized that there was no way of us getting in touch again. He didn't have my number and the only way he could potentially reach me was through literally going to my house. Talk about old school. But, tough chance of that, considering that morning's episode.

I walked back upstairs to my bedroom in a sullen mood. I looked at the mirror, moved the hair from my face to the side and breathed out a long sigh.

"Why?" I asked myself.

It must have been for the better, I thought.

Didn't everything happen on purpose?

Even if I tried to tell this to anyone, they would probably think I was delusional or some insane fan girl. It was strange but when I was with him, I completely forget that he was 'Haden the great star'. Together, it felt like he was just a guy. Just a blue eyed, nice smelling, gorgeous, smiling man.

I tried to shake the thought from my head, though I was most likely not going to recover from this anytime soon.

I went into the bathroom and put my iPhone on shuffle, I always listened to music practically whenever I was doing anything. The first song that came on was Colbie Callait's Hold On, about always returning to a relationship; I dismissed the thought.

Then I was physically in the shower trying to shampoo my cares away with the soap bubbles. The next song that came on was of course none other than Haden's bands' first single. I stopped. What was it that I was feeling?

You're insecure, don't know what for

You don't know you're beautiful

I felt the hot water rush over my skin, drops down my arms and legs. I closed my eyes and let the emotion wash over me like a wave on the beach. Forget it, I said to myself. He's a superstar. You're just a girl. I let the song end. Got out of the shower.

I put on a simple white dress and my white converse. Letting my hair air dry, I went into the backyard.

My house, we got lucky, the people renting it out had to have it gone quick and it just happened that they were family friends and so we had an amazing house overlooking the hills and LA and there was even a pool and a garden and everything. Though you couldn't see the ocean, you knew it was there for the salt in the air and the undeniable ocean breeze.

I sat on a chair and check my phone. I had a text from Dixie, or should I say several that went something like this:





Haden FUCKING Rand







I don't think I was emotionally prepared to face Dixie's never-ending stream of enthusiasm this early in the morning yet. At least, not before I got a coffee.

After a few minutes of lazy blogging, the doorbell rang once gain. I was this '' close to breaking down.

Really, this has been the most emotionally turbulent 24 hours I've had in a while. Just to think, last night I was lying in bed, contemplating how nothing ever happened.

I didn't feel any negative emotions. I felt something arguably worse. I felt nothing. Now that I was feeling so much, I wasn't sure which one was better.

It's funny, how quickly everything can change.

One moment you're nothing, the next you are filled with the soul in the eyes of a boy with a gorgeous smile and a drool-worthy British accent. Sigh.

Awakening from my paralyzing daydream as the doorbell rang again, I made-myself stand up, ready with the thought that at this point it could be anything. Instead, it was a man I didn't recognize.

Though he looked friendly enough, he was middle aged, very trim and clean cut, though homely at the same time. I didn't get creepy vibes, and at least I was clothed this time. I opened the door.

"Miss. Clementine?" the man said, looking up from a small box with my name probably written on it.

"Yes?" I said, slowly not sure what to expect.

"Mr. Rand has asked me to give you this," he handed me the box. It was small, bigger than an engagement ring but small enough for me to hold with both my hands. "...and this." He took out keys from his pocket - my keys! Of course, I forgot about the fact that I had left behind a WHOLE car in the parking lot at Tara's.

I took a step forward and looked past the man, around the bend to see my mom's car parked in the driveway.

"Thank you so much. I, I completely forgot. I'm sorry, it has been quite the day. Sorry who did you say you were?" I think I either said sorry to much or not enough.

"Bruce Gallagher." The nice man by the name of Bruce extended his hand "I am Mr. Rand's driver, among other things." Of course, you are.

I shook his hand, pulled away, looked down at the box, looked back up, not sure what to say at this point.

"You know what, Bruce. Let me drive you back, it's the least I can do to thank you." I needed to clear my head, and while I was at it, I could try and get some answers out of him. He probably knew things about Haden that Wikipedia failed to mention. I knew I felt like I should just forget it, but a small, subconscious part of me wasn't ready to let go just yet.

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