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In the car, it was only semi-awkward at first. Though, I was a naturally good driver, I felt like Bruce judged a little too hard when I slightly hit the curb with my wheel when pulling out. He was a professional driver, and I was a nervous girl on the brink of something a little too much for anyone to handle, let alone little old me. Or young me. Whatever.

Trying to make it comfortable for the both of us, the air conditioner was not needed-Cali style. I cracked open our windows, and stopping at a red light, I turned on the radio. Of course, his song was playing. I realized just as soon, almost panicked, turned off the radio quickly. Looked straight ahead, turned my eyes to my right and I swear I saw Bruce smirk. Oh God, he knew.

I cleared my throat, turned the radio back on and quickly changed the station to some random easy listening, office workplace-happy, station where a smooth-talking DJ was discussing the pop-stars of today. Not much better, but it would have to do.

"So, how long have you been working for-with, with er, Haden?" I asked, as we pulled out on the main road towards LA.

"It's been 2 years. Ever since he left the band." He replied diplomatically, as if he couldn't say any more than he was paid for and he was probably paid a lot.

As we drove along the PCH, the same road that Haden and I took last night, I felt a tug at my heart. How could I possibly pretend that nothing happened? This boy, this rocknroll God. This past year I let it go, but when he was still in the band, at the very beginning, I was really affected-no, not affected, obsessed.

How is it that we can claim love for someone we've never met? But it's just like that. Because, when we do meet them our feelings don't change, they only grow fonder. So why does it matter if you have fortune on your side and really do meet them or if you live alone; your feelings don't lose validity. They shouldn't, and people need to understand that. All feelings are valid, it's just you don't know the circumstance of those feelings. There is a reason for everything.

I realized I didn't even know where we were going, and Bruce didn't seem to see the need to tell me.

"Bruce, where can I take you?" I asked, hoping I didn't miss a turn. I tried imagining where Bruce lived. Probably a little house on the corner of a quaint street, with a neatly moved lawn. Nothing too big, nice but humble.

"Oh, he didn't tell you?" Bruce turned his face away from the window towards me.

"Tell me what?" Shifting my eyes, I tried my best not to sound nervous but realizing I probably wasn't doing a very good job.

"I assumed you offered to drive because we were going to the same place. Haden's birthday party?"

"Wat, what?" Stop, rewind, pause!

Of course, February 4. The famous, annual it-boy party. The hottest ticket in town. Everyone who was anyone was either there or wanted to be. What Bruce meant to tell me was that I was driving him to Haden's mansion to go to his birthday party. That's what he was trying to do this morning, he must've wanted to invite me but then I freaked out. Now he probably didn't even want me there, and surely he didn't have time to converse with Bruce and tell him to ignore the freaky girl AKA me.

Now it was too late, now I was going to be a party crasher. This was all happening way too fast.

"I'm not particularly ready for a birthday party" I look down, I'm wearing a simple dress, converse and no makeup. "I mean, I don't even have a present...I don't even have an invite!" Bruce cold see I was panicking. Again. I really felt bad for him at this point.

"Oh dear. There must have been a little misunderstanding. Last time I spoke with Mr. Rand, he assured me you were going to be there. I thought we were, carpooling." He said simply.

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