Ch 9

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I completed the song for him, I sang it and I gave him my all. Something about him being there made me perform like I've never before. At the end, we just smiled at each other.

When I was younger, I always was very bothered by what I would say after a kiss. Only after I started experiencing them instead of living in my daydreams, did I realize that you don't need to say anything at all.

How we think something will be is much more often never how we imagine in our minds.

It's better.

And this, strangely, felt like a kiss, or the equivalent. Sometimes we touch people and each other without ever having to reach out.

"Ah! I see you two met already." We both broke each other's gaze and turned towards the door to see a half loopy, doped up Tracey standing in the doorway, her eyeballs moving from Haden to me.

"Am I interrupting something?" Her mouth was frozen in a smile.

Haden looked equally confused, "You two know each other?"

"I met the cutie in the bathroom." Tracey said coming up to us, one hand had been holding a clutch which was holding cocaine and placing her other hand on Haden's shoulder. She was looking at him like he was a cupcake to be eaten. Haden was clearly uneasy.

At this point, I mean I guess I knew they must've known each other if she was at his party but there seemed to be something that wasn't being revealed directly.

"She's the intern!" Was she, rubbing his back?

"The intern, huh?" Haden raised his eyebrows at me, oblivious to Tracey now.

"Who was it for again, honey?" Tracey smiled at me. I didn't know what it was, but everything about the girl seemed totally insincere. Don't call me honey, I thought.

"Yes, Sara. You never told me?" Haden, the bastard, was clearly enjoying this. My body didn't even bother blushing anymore, not at this point.

I looked around the room, and my eyes landed once again on Haden's rock wall poster of his icon. What stood out was one of Mick Jagger and Keith Richards. The magazine?!

"Rolling Stone." I said affirmatively, looking directly at her eyes.

She was standing above us and couldn't see Haden's bemused expression.

I got up, "but I should get going."

I thought I saw Haden take a breath to say something, but then end it because Tracey went on.

"Okay well, close the door on the way out?" One more of those fake smiles and then she turned towards Haden, blocking him from my view. I looked around, I just left the guitar against the wall and as I was walking out, I overheard Tacey talking to him.

"I thought you didn't like anyone in your bedroom, especially not Rolling Stone after the last interview."

She was trying too hard, she was falsely controlling the situation with her coos.

I don't need this shit. I'm not like these crazy girls who put guys on a leash. Whatever, I'll leave, I'll close the door on my way out. You don't want me? Fine, I never needed ya either. Ugh. Half angry and half in love I walked back downstairs and walked to the bar.

This. Was. A. Stupid. Idea.

I just wanted to get out, to really get out of there, but first:

"A mojito, please?" I gave the bartender my best smile. It's not like I went out and drinking every night, but our family trips to the Caribbean resorts and their open bars have taught me a thing or two. And what do you know, nobody gets carded at Mr. Rand's party. Muahaha.

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