Ch 28

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"Hurry!!! I can't wait to see you! xxH"

Is the last thing I remembered as I woke up from a muddled sleep. A fake text I would never receive.

I got out of bed and on my way to the bathroom, I passed the kitchen where a package caught my eye.

I inched closer, and there, a small box on the counter with nothing really on it, except a sticky note.

'This came for you, they said it was urgent. -Jose'

I grabbed the scissors, as I already had a lot of questions, but instead I proceeded to cut the box carefully.

Invitation, to his feature film premiere. Of course.

Fantasy. What is the harm of it? Is there harm? Of course.

The whole day, dragging my butt across classes, I couldn't help but fantasize what it would be like to be at a feature film premiere.

I was getting starry eyed before anything was even happening. I even though that maybe I made the whole thing up in my mind, but there it was, same as before and clear as day, the invitation. Though, no longer on the kitchen counter, but on my bedside table.

I picked it up again and observed the heavy, cream coloured envelope and the beautifully designed invitation.

Maybe...I let my mind wander, I'd go but by myself, or for myself, just to see, you know once in a lifetime experience?

Who was I kidding?

It was time to call, you guessed it, Dixie.

"Of course you should go! Is that even a question?" Of course this is what Trix would say.

"Okay, but even if everything about it was possible and good, there is still the whole fiasco of my face in the papers..." I contemplated.

"Ok, but like, did anyone even say anything today?"

"Well, no.." I hesitated

"Exactly! People care, but not like you think. I admit it was probably a bit poorly planned, but then again who am I to say that, but still! It happened, what's past is past. You know?" She was chewing on something that sounded like celery. But since it was her, that meant that the Cesar probably wasn't far away either.

"Oh by the way, did you know its national Caesar's day?" She added nonchalantly.

"I had a hunch." It killed me how much I knew Dixie.

"Oh my god!" Dixie yelled all of a sudden

"What?!" I jumped.

"I just got a brilliant idea!"

"Well?" I was getting impatient.

"Since Haden was being a kind of peculiar and special kind of dick around town, I have figured out the best solution. Say you won't go, make the message known, and then..." She left her voice wavering for me to guess.

"Then what...?" I cried.

"Then show up!" She stated as if it was the most blatant thing in the world.

"Okay," I had a lot of doubt in my voice.

"You see, the trick with men is to catch them off guard: By surprise. Then they'll have no choice but to reveal their true colours. What's more is that you will inevitably leave a special dent in their mind, though not to say that you haven't already." Trixie explained.

"I don't know," I didn't.

"Trust me, it'll work out perfectly, because this way you get a) to still go to a top movie premiere, b) receive a lot of free hand creams or whatever they give out as swag, and last but not least - get your revenge." If only I had the unwavering confidence and no self doubt like Dixie did.

"So you want me to, essentially, lie?"

"Exactly!" Dixie almost sounded relieved, as if I finally got it.

But the next night wasn't much easier, I was tossing and turning again. Even though no one said out right directly about what happened in the newspapers, I wasn't sure if it was my imagination or the harsh reality, that I got a lot of extra looks. I've always thought it'd be fun to be popular, but not this way.

This must be what a Kardashian feels like, only worse.

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