Ch 34

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"Let's go." He was lying on the bed next to me, we were playing with our fingers, intertwining and letting go.

I giggled, "where?"

"Anywhere, let's drive until we can't," Hayden whispered the second part in my ear.

"Hmm," I pretend to be pensive. "Okay..."

"Tomorrow." He kissed my temple and turned off the bedside lamp.

"Tomorrow," I whispered to myself, thinking that this kind of happiness would overflow my whole body. Thinking that this kind of happiness never lasts for too long.

When I woke up, the early morning sun was shining lazily through the white, billowy curtains and I was awash with pure happiness. Still in between dreams and reality, I slid my hand across the bed and was really awaken by the rude jolt of realization that he wasn't there. I sat up, with the sheet covering my bare breasts and looked around the room. The smell of coffee was slowly straining itself in.

"Babe?" I called. I wasn't sure what to do.

"Good morning!" Hayden slid into the room, wearing nothing but a pair of black jeans, two cups of coffee in his hands. A fully functional human being.

And there I was. I laughed at the whole situation and took a coffee with one hand.

"Babe," I said in between sips, "I need clothes."

"Oh yes," he said. Haden went over to his closet and picked out a vintage band t-shirt, naturally. Then he went out into the hallway and came back several minutes lates with my pants while I was basking in the sunlight and all its morning glory.

"Has a bit of trouble finding these," Haden said with a smirk, he was being cheeky.

I snatched it out of his arms and made a fake mean face.

"Okay, well you're ready but I need a few minutes." I said, beginning to put on the shirt.

"Of course m'lady," he slipped out of the room humming some tune, that was faintly familiar. I realized it was that song, our song, and memories of last night came back to me in flashes. How perfect he looked, on stage, telling the world so clearly the truth of what they would never know.

If I could just freeze that moment and live in it forever, I would. Or this. Right here, right now, in the morning and in love.

Later, by the time I climbed into his leather front seat car it was nearly 10am.

"You hungry?" He asked, with his sunglasses on the tip of his nose, twisting knobs, focusing on finding the right radio station.

"No," I really wasn't. I was being fed the feast of love.

"Mm, me neither. We'll stop somewhere later then." Click, he finds the station, shifts the gear and off we went. We were flying. This was better than the motorcycle. Before I knew it, the salt was in the air and were on Highway 1, North.

"Where to?" I giggle at the unbelievable state of affairs.

"As far as the eye can see, anywhere with you," he looked over at me smiling, and I caught that look in his eyes. The glimpse of lightning, which could mean anything and everything.

I still couldn't believe that somebody could want me, like this, let alone him. I was so used to wanting others, to placing them on pedestals. I never realized that somebody could want me the same way. I wanted to believe it because I wanted it. I wanted to have his confidence, the sort of calm patience that a cheetah has before making a run for its prey. Knowing exactly what it will get, that it will get everything it wants and needs and in good time.

We stopped at a seaside cafe, somewhere along the PCH. Close enough to feel the breeze and smell the ocean, right on the terrace like balcony, we were literally above the ocean.

As yet another blushing waitress took our order and then left to tell the others about it, Haden looked at me, and smiled.

"Happy Birthday, baby" he said in a hushed voice.

That was enough for my smile to be completely wiped off of my face. With all that's happened these past few days I barely remembered that it was my birthday, because then it felt like my birthday every day. But I didn't want him to bother. It was already perfect enough for me. I wasn't sure how he knew, I never told him. So much for asking for my worth.

"Babe...I am so sorry, I actually forgot, and I know I never told you so how did you know?" I tried to begin but he hushed me.

"It's fine," he chuckled, "are you kidding me? Just talk to me. Tell me what you've done and what you'd like to do. We have a lot of catching up to do," he took both my hands in his and once again, I was in sweet heaven.

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