Ch 3

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"How do I do this?" I was just standing there, awkwardly. The sun had already set, and it was that evening dusk, making his features a little less obvious and his expression harder to see. He got onto the bike and just stared at me.

So, I got on, and put my hands at the side.

"You will fall off unless you hold," he stated.

"To what?" I asked dumbly. Not wanting to do this only because I've dreamed about something like this for so long. Now that it was here, I didn't know how to feel about it. Fear was creeping up on me.

"To me." He sounded a little annoyed.

Slowly, and hesitantly pulling back at first, I wrapped my arms around him. He was wearing his coat unzipped but I could feel his abs through his cotton black t-shirt.

This is going to be a wild night.

We got out onto the PCH, and I couldn't lie, it was beautiful. Clear sky with stars that shone so bright the whole sky was lit up, save for the city smog.

"Mind if we take a detour?" Haden asked me through the helmet, slightly turning his head to the right so I'd hear.

What the hell, I had nothing to lose. I mean yeah, worst case scenario he turned out to be a psychopath killer who smuggles girls based on his fame. Best case scenario...well, let's just say I had a running imagination. No wonder I write songs.

"Sure, why not, just get me home at a reasonable hour. I'm already in so much s-" before I could finish my sentence, I lost my breath as Haden sped the bike to 80 mph and we flew.

Boy we flew through California past Beverly Hills and up some no name hills.

Suddenly, sirens and blue and red lights were following us.

What did the boy expect? I prayed my parents would not find out about this.

Jail. I could see it already, spending the rest of my life in an orange jumpsuit because of some foolish, dumb decision to go on a motorcycle with a beautiful boy. A beautiful, reckless, famous as hell boy.

"What are we going to do?!" I yelled at his ear.

"Breathe, babe!"

Good advice.


He pulled over and the cop came up.

A lady cop no less. She shone the flashlight, cocking her head to the side like the cops in movies do to get a better view. What was the point of blinding us with the flashlight, I will never know. But she came over and looked at Haden, then me, then back at Haden without saying a word. In a slow-motion way.

I didn't know what Haden was thinking, but I was frea-king-out. My heart was beating so fast, he could probably feel me shaking.

Haden cleared his throat.

"Is there a problem, ma'am?" He asked in his best, charming way.

"Documents. Helmets off." She ordered us.

I threw my helmet off, taking it in my hands, letting go of Haden as quick as lightning.

Rand reached for his license, and managed to hand it over to the cop; Brenda something was her name, on the tag, at the same time as he removed his helmet

It only took her exactly two seconds (I counted) to recognize the grin that made him oh so famous in the first place and bound to break the hearts of many ladies of old age and young age alike.

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