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I looked at the mirror, at myself. Well that's that. Everything that I've been working my butt off for the last years, physically and mentally, has been paying off. I looked beautiful; I can say that now. Just got my braces taken off, had a what was more or less a six pack, and my height has gotten to what would be considered 'long' legs in high school.

My hair was really long now too and has worked itself to a golden brown thanks to the practically never ending LA sun. I took up wearing makeup again too, but just a bit. I've got my Chanel mascara, a little eyeliner and lip stain. My complexion was good enough on its own-I'm lucky.

I moved to California about a year ago, in the middle of my junior year. Finally. I just can't wait to get out of high school; it's so, ugh, useless.

Yeah, I have 'friends' but honestly, it can be difficult.

Academically, I excel. I have a bit of a mess-up every now and then but who doesn't. Socially I'm an awkward ladybug. I mean hello but moving in the midst of school years and what not, does not exactly make situations easier and I really haven't had any real best friends since grade 7. I know, sad.

But back to this mirror, it was all getting rather exciting because I was getting some real good outfits going. I liked to look pretty, and what girl didn't?

It was February but Cali still stays decent this time of year, obviously. So, I had my cute boots, leg warmers, tights, skirt, long sleeved V-neck and a wool vest. Add some earrings and necklaces and rings and voilà! Je suis prêt! My hair was loose, and side parted with long bangs. I liked to show off its length.

A splash of Coco Chanel mademoiselle right before I dashed out the door with my car keys. Well, not mine but my mom's. She let me take the car for the night. I was going into the city for a coffeehouse.

I play guitar and have been playing live a lot recently so it's fine that my parents couldn't make it because, well, I'm independent enough and they've seen a bunch of these before. They love them but they're out of town for two days. As for my sister, she was in college in another country and my brother was hanging out with his friends.

So yeah, letting me use the car was a bold move upon mother. Okay, maybe she didn't exactly let me, but they say hang up when you get the answer you're looking for, don't they?

I pulled out of the driveway. It was a half-hour until I could reach the city on a good day. I lived just outside L.A. in a community-town called Ray. It was nice in that small-town charm kind of way, but I had my sights set higher.

At least I hoped so, my college admission-decided future would be laid down in the spring, as for now, my seven college choices were all still very possible or not. And this was ranging from Stanford to UBC to dropping college to become a singer, actress, or whatever it is that I would be able to manage because, well I loves it and it was my passion - the arts.

I made it into the city in what seemed like forever compared with other days I've done this. I mean, it was LA and big names cause big commotions It bothered me sometimes, but I just ignored it.

Anyways, I was set to play at Tara Cafe. A real hip little place. Really cozy. Hosted live music and I was lucky to be able to even get a second 'show' there. My guitar was already in the car because earlier that day I was rehearing for the upcoming talent show at my school...Once again, couldn't wait to leave. I liked school; I really did. But at times I wondered if there was more out there.

Dixie, the cute and friendly college barista at Tara, greeted me with a hug and we small talked.

"So, any guys in your life lately, Sar?" Dixie looked at me with a wink. Sar, short for Sara.

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