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         I take a breath, wondering why I'm really here; what exactly is the payoff from all this? Yes, I get to experience something special but it's not like I'd be able to call up my best friend and go, "Guess what just happened! You won't believe it!" because no, they wouldn't. They'd probably think I was on drugs or something.

         Do I get to take anything home? Prize money doesn't seem like something a God of Death would offer and honestly, it's Seven Minutes In Heaven, what prize comes from such a perverted game? Maybe the experience alone should be enough? I mean, it would be worth it, if I got the right man. Maybe that's the payoff for sticking around longer?

         Digging through the objects, I slowly submerge my arm past the elbow. The Chancellor tilts his head, a soft hum of amusement escaping him as I search. There are numerous differing objects yet nothing of which grabs my attention. Pushing my arm a little more into the darkness, I finally find the bottom. 'There has to be something down here.'

         Zero. Zip. Zilch.

         In frustration, I begin pulling my hand back up, ready to reach for a random object in defeat but suddenly a small, cool article slips down my wrist. Swiftly, I snag it between my fingers, preventing it from vanishing into the depths of the trick bucket. I then pull it out and upon opening my hand I find a coin; shiny and foreign. The corners of my lips twitch, wanting to curl upward as I imagine of who this must belong to. Although, I am a little skeptical, after all, I doubt he would willingly part with even a single coin.

         "Looks like you get one of the elder men." Janik muses, studying the small object before looking out at the other players. "Kakuzu, is this coin yours?~" He calls out mischievously.

         In response, there is a loud crack and some shouting before Kakuzu steps forward, stalking over to the two of us. "I did not put that in there." He snaps, snatching the coin from my hand.

         "Then what had you put in?" I inquire, a little peeved at how he had seized the coin from me.

         "I didn't."

         The Chancellor snickers, taking a step to the side and half-turning toward the closet. "Well then, the coin is yours though, isn't it?" He asks, looking out to the audience. I look as well in time to see Hidan make his way to the front, holding the side of his face while still grinning in a devious manner at his partner. "Come on, it's seven minutes in the closet. It won't kill you." The towering Shinigami gestures for us to head into the closet and I comply, "Maybe..."

         'Great, thanks Janik,' His words send a small shiver down my spine at the prospect of Kakuzu killing me in anger, 'Happy to nervous in two syllables.'

         Nearing the closet, I glance behind myself to look at Kakuzu. He is grumbling childishly but, surprisingly, following me into the smaller room nonetheless. When we are both in the closet, Janik gives a thumbs-up as he shuts the door, leaving us to stand rigidly in the dark.


**A/N: Yikes, looks like you got Mr. Grumpy himself! I wonder how you're going to smooth-talk Kakuzu into playing. Bribery? Would he stoop that ...low?~

So, I don't have the other chapters edited but I thought I'd get this part posted so you guys have something at least. You've waited all winter and I feel bad about that.

I have a lineup of Characters to get through; Lee, Kakashi, Gara & Kiba.

All other characters can still be voted on for who comes next after Kiba! I'll place a point by the character's name!

Please remember to leave a Star/Comment if you liked this! It gives me the determination to do more! I love your feedback!!

Until next time, thank you for reading, Sweetsparks!~**

[Posted: May, 09, 2020]-[Wordcount: 538]

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