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          Placing my hand in the bucket, I rest it on top of the mound of items. Not wanting to waste much time searching for an object I crawl my fingers over one article after another, hunting for something of interest. There are too many things to choose from, but looking out at the group of people I believe are from my world, I decide I've taken enough time. Dipping my hand down once more, I blindly take hold of a small object. When I have a firm grasp of it, I pull my hand back out, opening it palm-up for the Chancellor to see.

         He nods before looking out at the gathering of Shinobi and Civilians. "Nara Shikamaru, drag yourself up here," He calls out, chuckling to himself.

         "This is such a drag." The black-haired, laid-back strategist complains as he steps out of the crowd, coming into view. "Couldn't you find another way to kill your boredom?" Shikamaru has his arms up, folded behind his head as he walks toward us, his expression exposing his annoyance.

         "This is much more interesting to me," the Shinigami explains, "just as Shogi is more interesting to you."

         "How troublesome," Shikamaru groans, shoving his hands into his pockets as he stands next to me. "Do I at least get my Shogi piece back?" He questions, studying me.

         "Yes, of course," I respond, holding the Shigo piece out for him to take.

         He lazily obtains the board piece from my hand before stuffing it into his pocket. "Thanks,"

         Suddenly, impatiently, the Chancellor nudges the two of us towards the closet, "Now, do try to have some fun, won't you?" He asks, looking at Shikamaru as he speaks but I think he's actually talking to me; knowing who my partner is, I'll have to work for that kiss. "In you go."

         "Fine, let's get this over with," Shikamaru glances in my direction once more before strolling into the closet. "Are you coming or what?"

         "Yes," I reply, hastily walking after him. 'Is he actually going to play?' I ponder, stepping to his side in the smaller room.

         "Seven minutes you two, but do lose track of the time~" And with that the Chancellor shuts the door, sealing the two of us in thick darkness.


**A/N: All Shikamaru wants is to live an uneventful life but he gets dragged into the most exhausting adventures. Don't you feel a little bad for him? No? Okay, me neither! But, how hard do you think it 's going to be to convince that lazybones to play?

Let me know who you would like to see after Shikamaru and Kakuzu; I'll place a point by the characters name for the next Contest!

Please remember to leave a Star/Comment if you liked this! It gives me the determination to do more! I love your feedback!!

Until next time, thank you for reading, My Darling Sweetsparks!~**

[Posted: July 26, 2019]-[Wordcount: 378]

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