Shikamaru NSFW

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          When the door to the closet clicks shut, Shikamaru, who is standing to my right, exhales heavily and then begins shuffling about. Holding my breath, I listen to the noise become so silent that a pin dropping might sound deafening if it wasn't for the heartbeat already pounding in my ears. I feel somewhat foolish; here I am, in a dark closet with the guy of my dreams and I can't think of a single thing to say.

         "Are you going to stand there holding your breath the whole time or are you going to sit down?" I gasp for air, instantly becoming lightheaded as beautiful bursts of light appear in the opaque darkness.

         "Oh, right, sorry," I ramble, nearly falling over due to the sudden onset of dizziness; my neck and face heat up as I quickly drop to the floor, scorning myself, 'Way to go, genius, he probably thinks you're too much trouble now...'

         There's silence for another moment before I decide to speak but, instead of my voice, Shikamaru is the one talking, "So, about this game," He begins, his voice located not too far from my left. "What do you think of it?"

         I pause a second, thinking, before replying, "Well, I'm happy I got you if that's what you mean."

         Shikamaru hums in thought before reacting, "Well, I'll be honest, this whole thing seems like a huge drag," My heart sinks a little but I hold on to hope; just one kiss and I'd be happy. "Though," He continues and my hope rises, "I knew, as Gai, Lee and Ino drug the rest of us along, that I would have no choice but to participate in whatever that Chancellor guy had planned," His voice sounds closer, yet I haven't even heard him move. "So when I saw you standing beside our creepy looking host, I decided this probably wouldn't be too bad. I mean, you're really pretty and you don't seem like you'd be a drag to play with." Now his voice is much closer, so close, in fact, that I can feel the light puff of breath upon my hair.

         "So..." I whisper, staring into the darkness, "You're saying you want to play?"

         "Yes," His response is swift, with a suggestive undertone. "Even though I still don't understand why we're all agreeing to entertain that pervert out there, I'm up for a little social experimentation."

         My heart is now thumping even louder in my ears. 'Is he being serious?' I ponder as his hand finds the back of my head, guiding me closer. There's no time to react before his lips, smooth and warm, press against mine.

         Still a little dazed at Shikamaru's sudden desire to participate, I let him kiss me, but instead of pressing back, I just sit there, dumbstruck, so he eventually pulls away. "I thought you wanted to play," The young male mutters, withdrawing his hand from my head.

         Instantly, I snap back to reality, cheeks burning as embarrassment practically slaps me. "No, I do want to play! You just caught me off guard, that's all! I want to kiss you, honestly!" Once again, I'm rambling, but what's worse is how quickly I react. I might as well be holding a neon sign above my head which reads, "Thirsty!"

         Shikamaru sighs, shifting his position; by the sounds of it, he's raised an arm and is scratch the back of his head. "This is turning out to be more troublesome than I had originally anticipated," Now I'm afraid he's going to say he's decided against playing the game. "But," He continues, and my optimism returns, "I guess if you're this excited about it, we can still play." There's a stronger suggestion to Shikamaru's usually nonchalant voice as it draws near. "I don't want this to be a drag for either of us, so if I cross a line, just say so, alright?" I give a soft reply, reaching out for him.

         My fingertips barely brush one of his arms before he takes hold of my hands, pulling me forward. Now his breath is against my face as he releases his grasp, bringing his hand to tangle in my hair as he embraces me. Our mouths mould together in an almost lustful behaviour as Shikamaru deepens the kiss, tilting his head.

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