Endgame | 47

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Caitlyn spent the rest of the day inspecting the area around the warehouses, collecting as much information and data as possible, studying the guards' shifts, their patrols, the people who had access to the place, where reinforcements came from and so on. Knowledge is power and can be turned into a weapon if used properly. This was a principle she went by for years now.

When the sun went down, Caitlyn headed to the south of the plot to avoid any conflict with the PROJECT initials that would arrive in a couple of hours. She found a spot between a few bushes to set her rifle and laid on the ground. Using a pair of binoculars she kept an eye on the guards. Thanks to the night vision provided by said binoculars she could see perfectly regardless of the darkness that prevailed that night. Everything seemed normal so far.

Caitlyn didn't realize how quickly the hours passed. She checked on Viktor's device and noticed that the PROJECT traces were on their way. It was time to take action. Pushing herself from the ground, she left her rifle behind and returned carefully back to the road to settle a couple of traps in order to delay the upcoming reinforcements. It wouldn't stop them but it could provide them with valuable seconds. Carefully not to be spotted, she installed the traps and returned back to her spot. Before settling down, she drew out Viktor's device; they would be there any moment.

Caitlyn settled down and looked through her scope. In the distance, she saw them ripping through the fence with ridiculous ease. Then, they split up. Caitlyn spotted Vi and her heart skipped a beat. But she didn't allow this overwhelming feeling to take over her. She needed to stay focused.

The next couple of minutes were critical. It took all of Caitlyn's willpower to check out on the other PROJECTS too. Everything seemed alright until a guard spotted a group of them installing the bombs on one of the warehouses. Then chaos followed.

In the upcoming battle, Caitlyn tried to shoot down as many guards as she could. She had installed a silencer on her rifle on purpose so no one would be able to discover her. Soon after, she heard brakes screeching and Caitlyn realized that reinforcements had just arrived. Perfect. That meant that the helicopters would be there anytime soon as well.

She wasn't wrong. It wasn't long till the three helicopters appeared in the sky, shooting relentlessly down on both PROJECT and TPA without discrimination. One of the two exploded in the air, making it look like fireworks. According to Caitlyn's calculations, the other two would soon be brought down by herself and PROJECT: Leona. She just focused on shooting at guards.

Shortly after the last two helicopters were destroyed, the TPA arrived. Caitlyn clenched her teeth. That meant Cayton would be there too.

The thoughts about Cayton were interrupted when she suddenly spotted Vi and herself. Then she heard Cayton's voice ordering them to surrender but he said nothing about disabling the bombs. Which meant that Caitlyn's little visit downtown had been very useful. She saw Vi dropping her to the ground and then several explosions followed. The warehouses one after another were set on fire.

It worked. They had succeeded.

But it was no time for celebrations. Nothing was certain yet. The clones were ruined but they had to get out of there alive too.

Caitlyn saw through her scope Vi helping her other version stand on her feet. They both looked equally surprised. Caitlyn's heart warmed at the sight but she shouldn't forget where she was and what she was supposed to do. As if to confirm her, she spotted Cayton. He looked utterly outraged and as if he was about to address all this anger right on Vi.

There was no way in Hell Caitlyn would let him kill Vi again. Without hesitation, she aimed at him and pulled the trigger. It was a clear headshot. Tithonus Cayton fell on the ground, killed by the hand of his protegee. How ironic. Vi and the other Caitlyn looked at Cayton's dead body in shock.

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