Questions | 23

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The very next day there wasn't a single soul that didn't know about the incident at the PROJECT Inc. Headquarters, for it had been all over the news and it was the main subject of discussion for the following days. 

The intriguing news had arrived to TPA rather quickly, especially a part of the surveillance videos where Ezreal's face was clearly seen. Caitlyn and her squad rushed to the place to investigate further. The newest developments changed everything they knew so far about Ezreal and his whereabouts. After a long way of asking around and watching more footage of that fateful night, they headed back to have a meeting to discuss how they were going to proceed from now on. 

"So now Ezreal is working with the PROJECT deviants," Shen spoke first. 

"After Norman Rose refused to offer his help, he would seek someone more powerful to protect him. It's logical," Caitlyn commented. 

"And how are we supposed to catch him if they are protecting him?" Riven inquired. "It's impossible! Even with Vi's help, I doubt if we can go against so many of them."

"Nothing is impossible," Caitlyn argued. "We already got the maps of the sewage system so we can get an idea of how they move around the city. It's a matter of time before we locate them."

"Then what?" Riven questioned. "How are we supposed the four of us - say five if we add Vi to the equation - go against six superhumans, plus Ezreal?"

"Don't be silly, it won't just be the four of us," Shen said. "The first part of the plan is locating them, then arresting them. Correct me if I'm mistaken, Caitlyn."

"You're absolutely right, thank you, Shen." Caitlyn acknowledged him with the nod. 

"So all we gotta do is locate six superhumans. Piece of cake," Twisted Fate said sarcastically. 

"The company was kind enough to lend me some of their files," said Caitlyn, ignoring his sneer comment, as she opened the digital files on her screen. "Originally there were eleven PROJECT initials, eight of whom have gone rogue," she explained, showing the pictures of the PROJECT traces. "One of the eight was missing until recently. Her name is Vayne."

"The first deviant," Riven commented. 

"I believe so." Caitlyn nodded. "Last night it was the very first time anyone from the company heard of her, as the footage shows. She didn't actively participate in the battle, but she seemed to be very interested in saving another initial named Fiora. It is speculated that they ran away together."

»The other six initials seem to have stuck together since the day they escaped from the company's control and they remain as such up to this day. However, Vayne doesn't seem to have been involved with them, not until now."

The pictures of Ashe, Leona, Ekko, Yasuo, Lucian and Master Yi popped on the screen one after another. 

"Wait, who's is that one?" Shen asked, pointing at Master Yi. "As far as I can recall, he wasn't there last night, was he?"

"For some odd reason, no he wasn't," Caitlyn responded. "Though, there might be a logical explanation for that."

"Do tell," he encouraged her. 

"There was an incident a couple of days ago. Yi was located and ambushed by the last three remaining PROJECT initials that haven't gone rogue; Katarina, Zed and Jhin. Presumably he was severely damaged during that encounter, therefore his absence last night," she explained. 

"One deviant down then," Twisted Fate pointed out. 

"For now."

"What about Vi?" Riven asked.

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